Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Back home

We had a harrowing journey home, which involved flights being delayed on Sunday to the point that we’d miss our connecting flight, so the three of us (guitar, vocals and drums) opted to re-book ourselves for the next day and spent the night back at the same hotel. Unlike the two guys, I had all my stuff in a carry on and had packed extra clothes, so I was in a good position to stay another day.

Monday we were loaded onto, and off of, a flight three times as they tried to fix the AC. We then had to rebook our connecting flight which we had missed, but could only get on the next flight standby. Thankfully we all got on, though, and got home sans luggage at about 10 pm. Phew! Traveling these days is no joke. I’m glad this is the last time I get on a plane for the foreseeable future. Other than the campervan road trip, we’re grounded until after the event is over. 

The boys’ camp continues without incident. But honestly, Bobby’s pretty over it - he texted me at noon yesterday to be picked up, to which I of course said no. I guess it’s not fun at his age to be surrounded by really little kids - these camps are really aimed at kids 5-7; after that, the older kids, especially at the top end of the spectrum, only really enjoy the Friday field trips. One more week after this and then they’re done until August.

After fretting about my weight gain all weekend (whilst stuffing my face and not moving), I decided that yes, I will take another stab at losing a few pounds before my event, which is ten weeks away. I’m going to do a modified 5:2 plan; increase the fast day calories from 500 to 800 (a lot more manageable) and reduce the non-fast days to 1500 (totally doable). All it takes is resolve, really, and thankfully I have that back now - mostly after discovering that none of the cute summer clothes I’ve ordered off Etsy fit. And they would all fit if I just lost 5lbs. So here we go. Did 800 calories yesterday, on track to do 1500 today if I can restrain myself at tonight’s book club. We shall see how it goes.

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