Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Change of plans

When I was about to go on my walk this morning, head still spinning from endless customer service issues, I got a phone call from the highly gifted magnet school my friend’s kid transferred to last year. It was their magnet coordinator, who said that as Bobby had tested as highly gifted, he should come to their school next year for 6th grade. I was like…ummm….no he didn’t. The coordinator said she’d double check and call me back. Bobby didn’t get gifted scores on the OLSAT back in 2nd grade (or 3rd, since covid got in the way), but was later evaluated at school by a psychologist and labeled as “special ability” but not “highly gifted”, to my knowledge. She called back to tell me he did indeed meet “HG” standards and I really should consider sending him to the highly gifted magnet for next year.

Mind blown. This was not in the plans. And there are few things that upset me more than plans changing unexpectedly.

I told her the plan was to go to Eagle Rock for their gifted magnet, and I didn’t want to ruin our chances of getting in there (I thought by accepting a spot before 7th grade I might lose points) - but she said a) as a highly gifted student he’d definitely get in there no matter what and b) she said without saying it that he could do much better for jr and sr high and I should look into some of the acclaimed HG schools in the valley instead. 

Again, mind blown. I never thought I’d be stuck commuting for hours to get my kid to a specialty school, but here we are. 

The only wrinkle is that Theo just tested regular ol’ gifted so he can’t go to any of these schools. I asked if he could get a permit to move over to the school Bobby would be in for 6th grade, but she said it was unlikely since Theo’s so far down on the wait list (understandably there are a lot more gifted kids than highly gifted). 

I discussed it with the H and my sister and everyone thought this was an opportunity I shouldn’t miss, just so B can stay at his current school one more year, and I agree. I wanted B to graduate with his friends and have the full experience at his current school, but…I think being in an HG program could make his school experience so much better. He has a couple of friends at the new school anyway, and it would only be for one year, then we’d have to reevaluate for junior high. He and Theo would be separated for two years anyway, now this just moves everything up a year. I’m bummed that they may go on different tracks from now on…I don’t like the idea of them going to completely different schools from now on. But I’m getting ahead of myself. 

After discussing it with him - he was down - I filled out the application online. The coordinator had said she’d circle back to me in two weeks to see what I’m thinking, but I wanted to claim our spot right away. I can always change my mind later, and right now I don’t know if this guarantees a spot. But I feel like this could send him on a totally different trajectory. It’s exciting and scary at the same time.

My sister and I talked about how different things were when we were in jr and sr high in the 70s and 80s, respectively - everyone was just thrown in together with no thought for who was smarter. I definitely felt held back in school, like everything was dumbed down. It would be interesting to see what happens when a kid is supported and given opportunities to really thrive, rather than getting caught up with street life out of boredom (me) or drugs and alcohol (my sister). One thing I won’t do is let my desire to have easier drop offs/drives etc get in the way of his progress. And I have to find creative ways to make sure Theo gets everything he needs, too, and doesn’t get left behind. 

It’s kind of sad because this wasn’t the final year of school I had envisioned - the boys together one last year, Bobby getting to be the senior class man with other kids he’s known since kindergarten, rounding out his time. But, plans change. I could be doing two very tight drop offs in just three months. God help me. AND having to do all new research for a new jr high the year after and a new high school a couple of years after that. This wasn’t in the plans! But. I’ve got a kid with a special brain and that has to be honored no matter what. Life is hard enough for young people these days with shitty wages and impossible rents and mortgages; I want to make sure they have the best start in life possible, and this could be it. 

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