Tuesday, August 25, 2020

The mystery of the missing comments

So...blogger just changed its format, and I happened upon a “moderate comments” section I’d never seen before. In the past I was always emailed when someone made a comment; those stopped back in 2018 and I just assumed everyone was bored with me and wasn’t reading anymore. Well, lookie here - 96 comments awaiting approval!! Wtf. So I just approved them all (well, the non-spam ones, anyway) and just wanted to thank you all for taking the time to read and/or comment on my blog. I wasn’t ignoring you, and I’m surprised and delighted that you’ve all been weighing in with support/advice/encouragement. 

Also it’s just a little weird knowing that people are actually still reading this. In the words of Bette Davis, “suddenly it feels as if I’ve taken off all my clothes”. Ha. Anyway. Thanks again. This time I will check my “moderate comments” folder more regularly! Sheesh! 

1 comment:

  1. You also have lots of readers like me who don't comment often!
