Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Cabin fever

I'm still kind of puzzled by my compulsive need to be "out of the house". Mind you, the evenings are WAY better now - rather than being a six hour nipple-mangling fest, now the baby can sit contentedly for hours just arching his back and playing with his toes, which is awesome! So why do I still make up excuses to go on long car rides? Yesterday I was actually happy to be caught in traffic! Wtf!

I think there is something to be said for living with another adult - I can see looking forward to the husband coming home and having someone to talk to, someone to connect you to the outside world. That does sound appealing right now. But before the baby my days were equally void, why did I not mind then, but I mind now? Why did I used to take a Friday night at home alone in stride, but now it's intolerable? What's up with that?

My event is now less than six weeks away, and it's time to tackle those big projects, like picking contest music for ten contests, and creating a video dedication for the old time jitterbug that died back in January. Today I ordered $6000 in blank track jackets and t shirts to be printed and sold at the event. Gulp. I also ordered a beehive wig and a snow white costume, and black gaffer's tape. Such is my life.

Mr. Bumpus is on the verge of rolling over, I can feel it. He loves to push off with his feet, and rolls to his side from his back. He scootches all over the place, so I'm going to have to keep a closer eye on him from now on!

My flights have been bought for my Boston trip next week and a New York/DC trip in August. I'm not even nervous about Bumpus being a nightmare on the plane - I'm so psyched for a change of scenery, he can scream, poop, pee, and projectile vomit the whole five and a half hours if he wants - everyone will just have to deal with it!


  1. I don't know why either, but I also get cabin fever. Not at night, because bedtime is sacred around here, and anyway, I'm not a night owl. But daytime... I feel the need to GET OUT. we go out before morning nap, between naps, and after afternoon nap. it's probably too much for the baby, and it means i get NOTHING done at home because i'm too tired to be productive once she is in bed (at all of 6:30).

    if you figure out the problem, or even better, the solution, please let me know!

  2. His eyes are amazing! I didn't have the "get out the house" feelings when Elena was small but now it's out of survival! She needs to run & explore & staying in the house is a nightmare!!

    Glad your evenings are calmer now.
