Monday, May 23, 2022

Covid or cold?

So, the mystery continues about my illness last week. Symptoms were all but gone by Friday. But our trumpet player and sax player from Tuesday and Wednesday tested positive; as well as several of the dancers at our Tuesday gig. Did I cause that? Unlikely, being as I noticed the unmasked sax player was coughing all night (I’m 100% sure he already had it) and I’m sure several of the unmasked dancers in attendance probably brought it in, too. So I got a negative PCR on Thursday and went to my shower and then went to another gig Saturday night, with the remaining band members who had tested negative. The bandleader called me Sunday morning and told me he just tested positive. Which means I was exposed Saturday night…unless, of course, I already had it last week. We had to cancel our Knott’s debut Sunday night. Everyone is doing fine and recovering. I took another home test Sunday afternoon. Still negative. 

But this leaves a major quandary which there will probably be no answer to. Did I have covid, or not? If your covid is of such a low viral load that it can’t even be detected by a PCR, does that mean you weren’t that contagious? Or not contagious at all? Both boys got negative PCRs from school on Friday. The F may be at the beginning of something now - starting to get a congested head feeling, which is how it was for me. We’ll see how that develops. 

Or maybe I just had a cold, and after all that exposure between Tuesday and Saturday, I’m going to get covid this week. In time to clear by the wedding? I’ll take it. The F says he feels like covid is hunting us. I agree.

But what I experienced - being at a high transmission outdoor concert where I know for a fact people around me were positive (they posted in the festival FB group), symptoms popping up three days later, symptoms entirely consistent with omicron symptoms, then passing in about 3-4 days, sounds a lot like covid to me. I just wish I knew, so I could relax. Still, we don’t know what’ll happen with the kids, and the F may become very sick. But he just had something similar to this a few weeks ago. Did he have covid then, or does he have it now??

I sincerely hope I didn’t expose everyone at my bridal shower - which was lovely - but with a negative PCR the day before, what else could I have done? 

I hate this. I hate all of this. I’m going to breathe a huge sigh of relief when - if - we all make it to the wedding day still healthy. So much can still go wrong with us catching it or critical helpers catching it or family or enough guests to gut our attendance. Nothing has happened yet, but it can turn on a dime at any point. This whole thing could still be a massive disaster. And we may not even know until a day or two before. I am a ball of anxiety. 

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