Sunday, March 14, 2021

Theo’s Age of Reason

This weekend we headed to the desert (déjà vu) for Theo’s seventh birthday, Desert X (an outdoor cross town art festival), and for me to do some more real estate shopping. 

We stayed in this charming old trailer in Rimrock, which was part of exactly the kind of hippie compound I dream of. 

There was a mad dash on Friday when I decided to put an offer on that one place in JT that was still available - they shockingly dropped the price $12,000 Friday morning, so I decided to pounce. I figured we would see it the next day anyway and I could back out with impunity if I hated it. But I had to at least be in the running. The next 24 hours was full of anxiety - what if I get outbid? What if the seller countered beyond my comfort zone? What if I see it and hate it? What if I see it and love it and someone else grabs it? Ah, the drama and heartbreak of real estate. Reminds me of trying to get pregnant. Exhilarating and freaky at the same time. 

So Saturday morning we took a drive over to the place - still no word on my offer - and honestly...I was not thrilled with it. And I can’t even put my finger on why; yes, there was a sketchy pot farm next door, but it wasn’t that...the place just had bad vibes. The roads were impossible getting there, you couldn’t really see far because of a ridge nearby, and the entire lot was strewn with trash. It just a place I wouldn’t be excited to visit, even if it was fixed up. Just for funsies we decided to drive out to Wonder Valley again...and I called a realtor who had a place I was interested in but was sure would be spoken for already; turns out it wasn’t, and she was willing to come meet us. And guess what? We loved it. This area of WV felt much better and more private than the area we had visited, despite being closer to the main drag. The realtor and her husband gave us tons of tips on the area and what we could do with the place. Within minutes I had withdrawn the other offer and placed one on this place. I am currently waiting on a response. Fingers crossed!

Later we got Theo a tiny cake, he opened his presents (baby Yoda plushie, fidget spinners, Iron Man figure and origami set), and had our little second pandemic birthday. What a difference between last year and this! Last year was the horror of school closing and the very beginning of everything closing; now we’re well into vaccinations, school will be back open in a month, everything is coming back to life after one of the most difficult years of all of our lives. I’d much rather be here now than last March, that’s for sure. 

Today we visited Desert X, an awesome outdoor art festival all throughout the Coachella Valley. The kids were ok with it once we stopped at a park for them to scooter around a bit. 

Now we have two more weeks of Home school before spring break, I may or may not become a desert homeowner, and spring is coming. Everything is finally looking up. 

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