Wednesday, January 6, 2021

The coup is upon us

It’s been an anxious week, culminating in today’s crazed white terrorist cult members storming the Capital in an embarrassing, infuriating attempt at...nobody really knows. Yesterday we were glued to the TV watching Georgia’s Senate runoff election results - by mid-today we have taken both, meaning a tied Senate with our democratic VP as tie breaker (ie, we now control all three houses, a positive dream come true). Today I tuned in to watch the electoral college certification - by the time I came back from taking a shower and making breakfast for the kids, all hell had broken loose. 

I hate these people, and Trump, so, so much. They’re all utterly despicable. I wish they’d all catch COVID and die. There, I said it.

There’s talk of invoking the 25th amendment and/or a second impeachment, but I don’t see it happening. We’re still stuck with this lunatic for two more horrid weeks. How much more damage can he do? A lot, actually! 

I’m wracked with anxiety and all alone today - the BF left for work early this morning and won’t return until late tonight. I am in my usual position, in bed in front of the TV; the kids are in their usual position, in front of the TV in the living room, blissfully unaware that our democracy is being destroyed by people who think Three Doors Down is a good band. 

I decided to dive in to my discomfort and deal with two unpleasant things - making a third call to MediCal to see why they have not processed my application (told a third time they have no record of my application only to have them find it a third time and be told a third time that nobody has done anything with it, and a third time be told someone will handle it - in the meantime I’ve paid two more $900 monthly premiums while waiting), and am currently on a four hour hold waiting for the DMV to tell me how to replace the car registration and tags that were lost in the mail (have I mentioned that since October we’ve actually only received about 30% of our mail, including never receiving my property tax bill, utility bills, unemployment paperwork and the BF’s tax correspondence? Yeah, good times). To offset the stress I have impulsively bought a 70s denim dress and a made-to-order tie dyed pair of overalls. The look I’m going for is late 70s-early 80s Shelley DuVall.

I had intended to “do things” this week - take the boys on long, elaborate hikes, be more present as a mother, try to enjoy these last few days before school resumes - but, honestly? I’m just too beaten down. After a week of adrenaline after a year of adrenaline after four years of adrenaline, I just have nothing left. Add in the pandemic, 24/7 child care, relentless arm pain, and utter uncertainty over my financial future, doing anything beyond keeping these kids fed and their teeth brushed and being kind and gentle when I do interact with them, is just too much for me. I don’t feel good about it, but there it is. I only hope they won’t remember the me that was their parent during this time. I pretty much suck right now. To be fair, they don’t seem to mind my suckage, so yay for that. 

The electoral certification will continue tonight. God, I love people who are able to shut out all the noise and just plod along with their duties. You’d think they all raised young children or something. I see your tantrum but I’ve got shit to do so I’ll just let you settle down and we’ll get back to work. God bless these people that have honor and integrity and a concept of service. Gives me some hope that we as a nation are not utterly unredeemable. 

Here is a picture of some tofu I fried in my new air fryer last night. It was ok. 

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