Friday, March 20, 2020

Day 5 - lock down

LA announced last night that we are on lock down, effective immediately. The BF came right home from work - he is off work, and without income, for the foreseeable future. Here we go.

Part of me was happy with this news, because it means I don’t have to suffer alone with all the home schooling/childcare/home duties while he traipses off to work every day, his life utterly unaffected by anything. It’s a shitty instinct to want others to suffer along with you, but I’m owning it. Having him home means, best of all, I can disappear for an hour each day to hike up to school for some much needed quiet time, exercise, and podcast listening. He can share in some of the school duties, and even make some meals. I absolutely hate the fact that he has stuffed my green, vegetarian, economical home with junk food, sodas, unhealthy snacks and meat, but I’m just going to have to get over that. I can escape to the attic or outside if all three of these men in my life really drive me nuts, and I intend to use these outlets often.

I called my refi guy again today - he said markets won’t settle for at least a couple more weeks. So I’m going to spend that much longer not knowing if my home equity will be able to bail me out or not. I also still have no clue if my event will be able to proceed. For me personally I’m happy every time there’s a new draconian measure implemented - it means the end of this thing scootches that much closer to now and makes it more likely that by September life will return to normal. 

We should hear something from LAUSD on Monday. My prediction is they will either extend the homeschooling until end of April “for now” or just call it for the end of the school year, which is only five weeks after that anyway. The teacher messaged today that they’re trying to set up remote learning. That will be a huge help. God I hope they extend school into summer.

So far I’ve been able to drag B through schoolwork (even though we’re impossibly behind) and violin practice with threats of taking video games away, and thankfully Theo only needs to practice writing words each night, which he does well at. Then I read them a chapter of Harry Potter (and attempt a Scottish accent for Hagrid), then they go to bed.

Today the BF ventured to stores - everything gone. Thankfully I have a bag of bread flour I can still use for basic cooking. He will be the only one allowed out. I figure one person as a contact with the outside world is probably smartest. Also, I’m deathly afraid of being out and about with things so crazy. So far there seems to be law and order, but you never know. Very glad I still have my .38 and bullets locked away in the safe. 

Today Bobby did a zoom session with some other kids in his class (it was pretty much just a cacophony of kids saying “hi hi hi” over and over). It made me choke up a little to see that this is what we’ve come to. 

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