Tuesday, March 24, 2020

8th birthday during quarantine

Today is Bobby’s 8th birthday. Not how we pictured it, but hey - at least I had pre-bought and wrapped his presents with the last scraps of Christmas wrapping, and the BF snagged a small carrot cake at the empty grocery store last night. I busted my butt to set up a zoom session with some school kids, only to have no audio the whole time, and most of the kids tune in after we’d already finished. Oh well. Both Bobby and Theo are pretty oblivious to everything that’s going on - they’re just so happy to not be going to school, it kind of makes me wonder what’s happening at school that they hate it so much. I dragged them through some work this morning (with a lot of frustration and “just do this and you’re done! It’s just one more thing! It’s right there!!!” on my part), arranged all the birthday stuff, in a half hour B has his virtual violin lesson (I probably should have canceled that for today) and then we’ll go sit in the hot tub. Not bad for a birthday. Personally I’m glad it’s over so I don’t have to stress any more about trying to make a special day with all this going on. 

I’m glad I have kids that roll with the punches. I’m glad I have two kids who enjoy each other’s company. I’m glad they’re school aged but their work isn’t that important. Really, if they were different this could all be so, so much worse. They are healthy. They don’t need anything. They’re happy to be indoors and don’t miss their friends. They’re having a blast. Me? I’m functioning. I loathe the schoolwork part of the day, but I’m doing the best I can. I’m happy to be getting up late. I’m happy I have someone here helping. I’m happy I don’t have to worry about money, yet. I’m happy I’m getting a sizable tax return, that I will put in savings for now and maybe even try to invest later if I don’t need it to live on. Things could be so much worse. I’m focusing on that right now. 


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