Friday, December 31, 2021

Don’t let the door knob hit ya, part II

I just read last year’s end of year wrap up. I never read my old posts (at one point I did, but I never do now) but I was curious how I felt last year at this time, and how many of my predictions came true. 

Turns out I was surprisingly prophetic. I anticipated having to have a vaxxed, masked event, and how much that wouldn’t be worth it. I predicted the year might not be better than 2021 (it wasn’t). I predicted kids would be back at school after spring break, and that our spring break trip would be awesome. I was wrong about the THC cream helping my frozen shoulder, though. Nothing helped that shit.

Everyone in the world feels like I do right now - grimly resigned, vaguely angry and frustrated. What about our hot girl summer? What about vaccines fixing everything? Yeah. And right now California’s infection numbers have surpassed last summer and are heading to last winter’s numbers. With omicron as transmissible as it is, it wouldn’t surprise me if we spike worse than last winter in two weeks’ time. Oh, and Betty White died, just a couple of weeks short of her 100th birthday. Fuck everything.

Am I really that mad? Meh. I don’t have the energy. Truth is, omicron could end up being our ticket out of this pandemic, no matter how grim things look at the moment. We could find ourselves by this spring completely out of this because literally everyone will have been infected by then. Or, you know, not.

I’ve spent all week in bed watching Korean dating shows while the kids watch gamer videos in the living room. Welcome to school breaks with no plans, especially when it’s cold and rainy every day. I’ve given myself this week to just extreme chill, and I’ve enjoyed every minute of it. Yesterday I rallied long enough to perform with our orchestra - a first since March 2020 - as a last minute fill in. I went in very nervous and full of dread, but honestly, it was awesome. I don’t know how to explain it, but there’s just nothing quite like a big band. I got a little choked up sitting on stage, actually. 

Tonight I have a New Year’s gig with the small band down in Irvine. I’m mostly concerned about the treacherous long drive home with all the drunks. But in a weird way I’m actually looking forward to it. It’s our last gig for a long time - we have absolutely no gigs booked at all coming up. I’m going to make the most of it. 

That’s pretty much my plan for 2022. I don’t know what’s going to happen. Will our cabin get finished? Will our wedding happen? Will I have my event? Will we all stay alive? I don’t know the answers to any of this and I’m done making predictions. But I’m just going to act as if and keep plugging away because that’s what we as humans must do. One foot in front of the other. Let’s see what happens next.

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