Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Joshua Tree

Yesterday we returned from our long weekend trip to Joshua Tree. In a word, it was great. I have to say I’m really getting the hang of plotting out trips for the family. It definitely helps that the kids are capable of doing just about anything now - there’s no more messing about with strollers or nap times or diapers. Don’t miss those days, not one bit. 

I booked us a basic cabin - a hut, really - in an isolated area off a long dirt road. It wasn’t quite as isolated as our water tank experience in Cuyama - you could still see houses in the distance. I had opted for a device-free weekend, and I’m so glad I did. The kids entertained themselves for hours playing Uno and swinging in the hammock. There’s pretty much constant proof that the decision to bring about a sibling was a good one.

The first day we went to the Noah Purifoy museum, which was amazing. I’m not sure what the kids made of it; but I tried to give some cultural context.

Then we spent the day at the National Park, which luckily was having a free day. It was very hot, and I frequently questioned the wisdom of being out there in the sun all day, but the boys particularly enjoyed climbing the rocks and exploring caves, and I got my kicks listening to The Joshua Tree album and marveling at what a massive impact that album had on me at 15, and how relevant it still is today. It was amazing to be in the very place that inspired such artistry. 

The next day we went to Pioneertown and explored the little town a bit. It’s odd traveling during Coronavirus - so many things are unexpectedly closed, browsing through stores is stressful or impossible, and ordering food is an ordeal of long lines and stressed, overworked servers. 

As always my favorite parts of the trip involved being in nature or being in the quiet of our funky homestead. I enjoyed a long soak in the outdoor tub filled with warm well water, hung in the hammock, and played Chinese checkers and Uno with the family. 

It was delightful and very relaxing. As is often the case, I spent our drive home looking for opportunities to come back. I’m dreading a long winter with no camping. I think I found us a heated cabin out there for our next cool weather trip, however. I’d love to go back in the next few months. 

Now, back to distance learning and tonight’s debate...honestly, I’m feeling pretty good about the election at the moment; we’re so close now, I just don’t see Trump being able to turn things around at this point. Oh, I see him cheating, for sure - but I pledge to hit the streets and not let up if he tries any shit. I’m ready for it. 

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