Friday, April 24, 2020

Heat wave

The gloomy wet weather has finally lifted for LA and we’re now having a delightful heatwave - 93 degrees today and tomorrow, and 80s for the next week. Which means only one thing: 

I’m taking on the expense of heating the pool every day for now because we just need it. The BF had been taking the kids bike riding every day in the morning, but with so few safe places to go and now the heat, this seems like a better outdoor activity. I will say one thing - having the kids around 24/7 eliminates that low grade panic I always feel when the kids are away; right now I know what they’re doing, eating, etc 100% of the time, and the control freak in me loves this. 

School for Bobby has hit a decent groove - it’s still super convoluted with all the different web sites and log ins and information in fifty different places...but at least there’s a calendar with specific tasks each day, and they’re not too much if you just do the minimum, which of course we do. It still drives me nuts how distractible Bobby is, and how it takes him over an hour to do a math problem...but I’ve found if I sit next to him and make him explain what he’s doing, at least we get through it. Theo’s work is still a bit of a hot mess - the program his teacher uses is very confusing and clunky - so mostly we just don’t do any of it and instead I quiz him on his rainbow words and have him mess around on Khan academy so at least he’s doing something related to learning each day. I hate to say it but I’m kind of used to it now. This is our life for the next eight weeks...might as well lean in. And it’s pretty clear there will be nothing resembling normal school in the fall, either. So here we go.

Here’s my predictions as of today. California is not flattening the curve, not yet. Which we should be. But we’re not. I think any lightening up of restrictions will happen until at least late June to July - and I do believe we’ll see a second wave over the fall and winter. I’m sure I’ll be forced to cancel my event. At this point I’m just waiting on government guidelines and preparing the sequence of events - working it out with the hotel, contacting all staff & vendors, then contacting attendees with refund options, then posting publicly. I can’t do anything until I get my refinance money and that’s at least a month away still. A lot of people have been following my FB page, and more people have texted or private messaged asking my thoughts. It’s on everyone’s mind, what I’m going to do. I hate to make people wait but I have to wait, too. Then once I make the announcement I’ve got 500 people to handle. It’s going to be a huge undertaking, but right now I just wish it was over so I could put it behind me and move on. The limbo is terrible. 

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