Monday, June 24, 2019


I started with my personal trainer last Wednesday and have worked out independently twice since, as was required. Right now we’re mostly doing a little light weight training, something I’ve never done in my entire life. Like so many women I focus on working my legs and losing weight, not getting strong. But I’d like to try something new. 

And it’s been really interesting, how I feel about lifting weights. It’s all about the story we tell ourselves, isn’t it? Right now I like the idea of being a strong, kickass woman who lifts weights in the gym with a bunch of guys half my age. This appeals to me. In my mind I’m channeling my idol, Joan Jett. “Do ya wanna touch me there? Yeah? Yeah? Yeah!!!”

Will I keep up with it? Who knows. But I do find it very meditative and empowering, much like knitting. Until my event is over the time requirements may be a problem. But I am motivated. So that’s something. 

What Would Joan Jett Do? I think she would lift weights and kick ass. That’s what she’d do.

In other news, my registration system kicked over...and it was a huge mess, because my business partner sent an email to all my attendees telling them about the switchover before I’d really had a chance to check it over, which caused a mass panic when people found contests missing and the wrong event pass on their account. Between Friday and Sunday I was swamped with freaked out emails; we had to do a re-import of all the data, and I had to manually check each of 400 registrations from our opening day to make sure everyone got what they paid for. I believe I’ve found most of the problems...but there’s no escaping that the event weekend is going to be a bit of a cluster-f after all this. I can’t go into my event with any confidence that the information I have is correct, which is terrifying. is what it is. My staff knows to be understanding and just give people what they think they paid for; keep the customers happy. We’ll survive this, and then next year will be so much better.  But yeah. It was a tense few days. 

Had a weekend of birthday parties for the boys’ friends and baby showers. I’m so relieved the boys like their summer camp. We had a nice dip in the hot tub last night in which I watched in amusement while they took turns doing different jumps based on Captain Underpants and told each other, “oooh, that’s cool!” As much as there is often whining, tattling and shadenfreude involved, they do have a really good relationship. I’m very proud of that.

Thursday I leave for Boston for my annual singing gig and also to bury my mother. I’m dreading it, but I suppose I need the closure, since my mother’s death, for me, has been largely theoretical. Is this where I finally freak out and become non-functional? I suppose it’s possible, but not probable. I’ll bring some weights. And my knitting. Hopefully those will get me through. 

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