Monday, June 17, 2019

Camping, part II

Camping part two is completed. This weekend we went to Lake Cachuma with two other families, for a total of five adults and eight kids. All the new devices I bought, plus the separate tent for the kids, worked out great. Also, it not raining or freezing this time was a big plus.

It was a bit of a game changer - the other two families had invested in pop-up campers, so we were the only ones in tents. I was tempted by the idea of getting one, too, but there are a lot of variables. One, I just put a huge amount of money into all this camping gear that we’ll never use again if we get a camper. Two, we have nowhere to put it, although storage could be an option (for a fee). Three, we don’t know for sure that the BF’s car could safely tow a camper long distances. But. It sure would be fun, and open up a whole world of pulling up by a beach and just hanging out there for a weekend which we couldn’t do with tents (although we could piggyback on our friend’s camper with a tent by the beach). We could also just rent a camper, which is probably more practical. 

This is entirely unchartered territory for me. The world of tow hitches, boats, fishing, campers...these were things I did with other people’s families when I was a kid; my struggling single mother could never have had the wherewithal to do these kinds of things. And the reality is...I probably wouldn’t be doing them with my kids if I were single, either. It reminds me of how the world is your oyster just because you have a partner, and how restricted you are in your movements when you’re single, and that sucks. 

Now, I hit the ground running this week with work stuff. Also, tomorrow I meet with a personal trainer at my Y in yet another attempt to slim down. It’s one thing I’ve never tried - real working out - and I need guidance. Maybe putting toning up and getting strong before weight loss is the ticket for me...? Who knows. La lucha continua.

The boys had a blast playing with the other kids this weekend. It’s pretty special when you think that I met their parents twenty years ago through Swing dancing and now our kids are friends and building memories together. I’m so glad I get to be a part of that. 


  1. I would love to rent a camper, but don't think I could drive one by myself. These are things where, as you rightly point out, having a partner helps.

  2. wow, the camping sounds amazing! we have camped with friends and mostly, other SMCs, and everyone pitches in. but i can't quite imagine having another adult entirely committed to my little family. awesome!

    and hooray for camping! I LOVE camping!
