Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Leaving on a jet plane

Early tomorrow I leave for S Korea, and am gone for nearly a week, returning Tuesday. Unsurprisingly, despite my car being promised today, I never heard a word from the dealer. My message went unanswered, and now they’re closed. I had originally intended to return the loaner car no matter what, but decided, fuck it. They left me hanging with no communication, that’s on them. They know I’m out of the country for a week. So, screw it. The loaner sits in the garage and at least I have something to drive when I get home.

I dropped the kids at sleepaway camp on Sunday, officially ending our Summer of Sloth - other than weekends, there will be no more entire days spent playing video games in pyjamas with unbrushed teeth. They’ll be at camp until Sunday, then the H picks them up and takes them to the rec center camp Monday and Tuesday while I make my way home. Then they’re in camp until school starts in just four weeks. My how the summer has flown! I can’t believe it’s time to think about school already.

Bobby is required to do two book reports before starting 7th grade, and naturally it’s been challenging to get him to work on them. I had hoped he’d finish one before sleepaway camp; he got about 75% of the way there. He took the book for the second one with him; I hope he makes some headway. The last thing I wanted was him to frantically cram them both through in the final days before school when I’m also too busy with my event to follow up; hopefully we can avoid that. I guarantee every parent with a kid starting 7th at that school is having the same struggle. 

There’s an orientation coming up that we’ll go to together; hopefully that will help me get a grip on the big changes this year. I personally predict a certain learning curve for us both. Bobby is going to have to learn how to prioritize and organize, which he (and every other 12-year-old boy) is not great at. He’s going to have to learn that keeping track of your work is almost more important than the work itself. I’ll be damned if I’ll let him be one of those kids that “would do so well if he just applied himself”. Eff that. I don’t want to hear any nonsense about “I forgot to turn it in” or “I forgot it was due”. Try telling that to the IRS, buddy! This is where you learn consequences. 

For me, I got a lot of tasks done this week, but side stepped the big ones - organizing the class schedule and judging schedule - because they require information from people that I don’t have. I hate that these things aren’t done yet - they should have been completed weeks ago - but here we are. I’m hoping that at least with all the ordering of items and reserving rentals out of the way that when I return I can focus on just those things and customer service. When I’m back and have no more long trips looming ahead of me and the house to myself all day, I can finally truly focus. This, plus getting back to my diet and exercise which have had to be completely abandoned in light of all this travel. I have NOT met my weight loss goals for Korea and will not meet them for my event, either, and I’m pretty bummed about that. But I did a lot of good work before mid-June hit - lost 11 pounds - and know the path forward now; so, maybe I meet my goals by October or November instead. It’s not a sprint but a marathon, I guess. 

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