Monday, July 29, 2024

Almost school time

It’s two more weeks of rec center camp and then school, and I am so not ready for all that that means - mainly, the buying of supplies, the reams of paperwork, the urgency to get to bed sooner, the nagging to do homework. I keep checking the boys’ school websites for supply lists but none are forthcoming. At least Bobby has an orientation next Thursday that we’ll both go to. But I’d much rather be getting on top of this stuff now. 

The one positive about kids in school is I can return to my workout routines. I’ve pretty much given up on trying to get to any classes right now - they all start right when the kids are being dropped off at camp - and evening classes keep getting canceled. It’s also too hot to do afternoon walks (although this week might be doable), so my diet and exercise have taken a back seat, and I hate it. I’ll have to remember this next year - do not attempt to lose weight in July or August. I’m too stressed out and it’s just impossible.

While things are mostly under control with my event - as usual, I have a million plates spinning that are all waiting on people to respond to my emails - I have to admit I’m in a pretty dark place right now. My refund cut off date is in two days, so the refund requests are pouring in. All I do all day is hand people’s money back to them, which is absolutely soul crushing. And the price increase, also coming in two days, which used to guarantee hundreds of people right when I needed a boost, these days does little to nothing to boost sales. It’s completely baffling how much people’s behavior has changed since covid. The last two years I have gotten barely a dribble of people at the end, and this year is looking no different. I’ll be lucky to get 100 people in the next five weeks, and I’ve gotten about 60 refund requests with more coming, which pretty much cancels out the gains I’d be making. It just sucks, all around, and is extremely disincentivizing. It’s Monday and I’ve got a ton of work to do, but I really just want to go back to bed.

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