Thursday, August 17, 2023

Getting in the groove

It’s been four days at the new school and we’re getting in the groove. I figured out the proper route to be in line for the “safety valet” drop off each day (I never realized how important this is until I needed it) which makes drop offs a breeze. Pick ups are a bit different - I saw a whole thread on FB yesterday about how chaotic pick up time is at all schools - but since I have the luxury of going early, and having both kids with watches where we can communicate, I’ve been using both of those tools. If I get there 1/2 hour early there’s usually parking, and I can tell them where I am. It’s a complicated jigsaw puzzle compared to how things were at the old school, but I’m just working with it because I have no choice. 

I have been getting my ass out for walks each day, and even though it’s a little uncomfortably hot even at 8-9AM, I’ve been managing. I figure now, right before my event, I need the physical/mental help that even moderate exercise gives more than ever. I plan to reclaim my body once the event is over - look into yoga again, keep up with the walking, keep up with the dieting. I’ve failed miserably to lose weight before my event - the combo of visiting family/my birthday/our trip made it just impossible, as I’d feared - and I’m going into this event the heaviest I’ve ever been at the event, 5 lbs heavier than last year. I’ve had to alter my costumes or buy new ones. It sucks. But I’m determined to keep on top of my health while also forgiving myself for the times I can’t. It’s an ongoing process. La lucha continua.

I’ve decided definitively to sell tickets at the event - and was reminded why I don’t do this, ha ha. I realized that during the event, I have to make everything live, which in this case means putting a link on my website, activating all the tickets and making that live, and posting all over social media. While I’m at my event. No one else can do this for me. And we have to announce it and put QR codes everywhere, but we can’t do any of this until Sunday night so people don’t accidentally buy next year’s pass for this weekend (next year’s will be cheaper to start). It’s complicated but I can’t think of a better way; the idea is to grab people while they’re there and excited, not when they get home and are exhausted and feeling broke. Anyway, it’s an experiment - I don’t imagine lots of people will go for it - but again I can’t think of any reason not to sell them now, and it might just help break up that big push in February. Worth a shot.

For now we have a somewhat mellow weekend going - we’re going to see Raising Arizona at a new local movie theater, I’ve got my penultimate Knott’s gig, and other than that I plan to just chill and hopefully not do a lot of customer service. 

We’ve been in the pool each day after school which makes me feel a lot richer than I actually am at the moment. 

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