Saturday, October 1, 2022


It’s October, which means my event is now a month behind me. Yesterday I wired the hotel the payment of their bill, which officially puts the event to bed. It feels like a million years ago now, even though not much has happened in the intervening weeks other than me getting the kids to school, getting them home from school, and sleeping and eating a lot. I’ve put on four pounds. Ugh. 

We’ve ordered the kids’ Halloween costumes. After much debate, Bobby is going to be the black knight from The Holy Grail (which delights me to no end), and Theo’s going to be an inflatable T Rex. I’m excited to have a (relatively) covid-free Halloween; last year half the houses didn’t participate due to covid fears. But with new variants on the rise again, who knows what it’ll be like a month from now? We also have the mid terms coming in a month, which I’m already calling The End of Democracy as we know it. We’ll for sure lose the House, which means Biden will never be allowed to pass any legislation ever again. We’re unlikely to lose the Senate, but if for some reason we do, Biden will be impeached and all hell will break loose. I’m trying to enjoy every minute of this perhaps last time ever of political quiet before everything goes pear-shaped. I’m so not ready to spend years with the kind of agitation that existed under Trump. But I have no doubt this is where everything going our way ends.

I’ve ordered a small propane cook top, a solar lantern, and a rolling cart with a metal top for use in cooking at the cabin. I’m determined to get a decent kitchen set up in there so that when we go we don’t have to bring all our camping stuff but just clothes and bedding. I’m going to go to ikea next week and buy some kitchen things - pans, mixing bowls, utensils - and leave them there in a plastic tub. 

We still have not figured out a toilet. I think the H thinks we can just build one ourselves - but I’ve looked at some videos and it looks pretty gnarly to me. If we had a full week to work on it every day, maybe. But one or two days a month? It’ll take a year to get done under those conditions. And it’ll get ruined while we’re not there and it’s half-built. Tbh I don’t really mind - I’m perfectly content driving to the community center’s port-o-potty once a day for my particular needs; but it’s not a permanent solution. I figure if we can go in two weeks we should really focus on windows and insulation so we can stay there in the winter somewhat comfortably. 

I’m forging ahead with getting the house painted next week, which also entails a long overdue, very expensive whole yard tree trimming. This place really went to shit during the pandemic so there’s a ton of catching up to do. The pool is a broken down mess - the heater hasn’t worked for weeks and the pool was full of dirt all summer so I never felt like swimming in it; I finally called the pool guy to figure out why it was so dirty all the time and he’s working on it, and the H will fix the heater with the help of the pool guy. All the paint is faded and peeling and wood is cracking; I haven’t painted this place in probably 15 years which is way too long. I hired a guy a friend with a similar house used and loved. I hope he works out. It’s a lot of money to entrust in a stranger; there were many things the last painter did that I didn’t like. But boy will it be great to have a nice clean fresh-painted house again. I’m not thrilled about strange men looking through my windows for weeks - it sure was nice not having contractors here for a couple of years. But maybe it’ll be a good excuse to get back to exercising. 

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