Friday, October 7, 2022


On Monday my desert neighbor (the one who lives there full time) alerted me that there were some trucks out at the cabin. I immediately got on the security cameras and saw that there was a small construction crew erecting a shed-like structure at the concrete slab on the lot next to ours. They had it up in just a few hours and then left, and haven’t returned all week. To me from a distance it just looks like a small storage shed - maybe these people just want a place to store desert toys like ATVs. My hope is it’s not an Airbnb. It would be awful to have random people out there next to us every time we go out - or even worse, messing with our place when we’re not out there. I see the panic people feel when they buy out in these remote places with an expectation of privacy, only to have people move in right next to you and ruin everything. We’ll be out there next weekend so I’m going to go check it out (assuming people aren’t there-!).

I finally got the California grant today that I’ve been waiting for and stressing over for a full year (I submitted the application I believe around this time last October). Funds were deposited today. What a relief. This is the last of the free government money. I’ve had to remind myself of that, and the fact that I’m now back on a fixed income; whatever I make off the event is it, and I have to make that stretch a full year. I’m going to have to say no to things again and budget again. With trying to pay down the house aggressively and expenses with the cabin, plus how much the event budget has ballooned out of control, I may be in for a slim few years (especially after next year’s 25th anniversary passes). 

The house painters power washed the house yesterday, and the whole place has smelled of damp old wood since. They start scraping and painting Monday. I’m looking forward to this place having a fresh new start. 

I had a full medical workup this week, which included a varicella test to see if I’d ever had chicken pox (I swore I hadn’t) and thereby need the shingles vaccine. Bizarrely despite having zero memory of ever having had chicken pox, my blood work says otherwise. I was also pleased to see all my blood work still looks good; looking at graphs of past results, I see all my numbers were the worst during covid. It’s amazing what stress does to your body. So despite being older, eating worse and barely exercising the last couple of months, I’m in better shape now than when I was ten pounds thinner, hiking every day and fasting. Huh. Of course a simple blood sugar and lipid panel doesn’t tell you everything, but it is interesting to get a snapshot of how your body is doing over time. Got my mammogram yesterday. Got my flu shot and tetanus booster. Good to go.

My hair is falling out because of the covid in July - I figure it’s akin to post-pregnancy hair loss where my hair may get thinner but not really disappear; but it is a little freaky. I wonder when it’ll stop. Apparently it’s supposed to go on for months. 

The boys had picture day yesterday. Bobby’s wall is full, so I may have to loop around! It’s fascinating to watch their chubby little baby faces elongate and show such personality. Bobby has asked me to order him a bucket hat with cats on it - apparently all the 5th graders have started wearing wacky hats to school. It’s fun to see him participate in these pre-teen rituals. It feels so “normal” to have kids back at school again, bouncing off each other culturally. I can’t wait until they start talking about girls (assuming that’s their preference). I *promise* not to embarrass them. Leaving this here for accountability.

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