Monday, November 1, 2021

Dia de Los anti-vaxxers

I woke up today to two angry reacts on a FB post our band made about our vaxx only New Year’s Eve gig, one from this bitch who earlier this year was on my event page encouraging people to sue me over my vaccine requirement, one from some guy who’s FB page is nothing but American flags. They were both blocked, but I’m still buzzing with rage about it. This comes from a weekend of discussion/controversy/debate about whether or not we should cancel a gig we accepted on the premise that the venue would be vaxx only, only now to be told they have no intention of actually checking. We are pulling out of the gig, which is burning a pretty big bridge (these are the people who taught me to lindy hop twenty five years ago), and probably throwing our own event the same night. It’s an ugly time. And quite frankly, I’m exhausted. The idea of having to face all this shit again in a few months when I have to start making plans for my next event fills me with dread. 

Right now, numbers are ticking back up in California. It upsets me on many levels - the main one being that anti-vaxxers use this as an excuse to not bother getting vaccinated. But it also bolsters my plan to continue requiring vaccines for my event, and continue to ban problematic people. But this also sets me up for another spring of hell dealing with these people. Would I rather just let them all in, though? No. So, here we are. In a country full of rage and hatred and death threats. Fun. 

In other news, our first trick or treat back was good. Sadly, I didn’t get any pictures. The reason is, because of Theo’s blow up costume, we had to assemble it when we got out of the car, and it was pitch black and pictures were pretty much impossible. Bobby went as a Dementor, and in his all black costume, I couldn’t get any decent pictures, either. Oh well. The difference this year from 2019 was less participating houses - also, we went too late so many of the houses were done. A note for next year. But everyone had fun - Halloween is so much less stressful with bigger kids! Theo got tons of attention in his costume and Bobby was mildly annoyed - I told him it’s nice to let other people have the spotlight from time to time. I don’t think he internalized this at all, but at least I tried.

Their personalities are really developing now - and I try not to comment on it, because a parent’s verbalized opinion of you becomes your inner voice; I always tell these kids it’s never too late to reinvent yourself. But Bobby is soooo me - shy, easily grossed out, introverted, obsessive, sardonic, sensitive, smart. Theo is so different - friendly, outgoing, physical, a natural performer. I wonder if siblings play off of each other that way, filling in the gaps left. But I love that, as much as Theo is so much under his brother’s thumb, he is still asserting his individuality. I consider my feelings for them often and can honestly say I love them equally - they’re both so unique and so lovable. I can’t begin to imagine what they’ll be like as grown men; it’s still such a mystery. I feel like they’re books I wish I could sneak a peek at the last chapter of and then go back to where we are now. 

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