Thursday, July 29, 2021


I am currently watching the kids play in the pool while I stress about all the things I could be doing if I just had access to my computer. I can’t bring it out here because the wifi won’t make it and the glare is too much. So I’m limited to tasks I can do on my phone, which isn’t much.

I had not signed up for camp this week because I figured we would miss Monday and Tuesday anyway due to driving home Monday and then exhaustion Tuesday...but now it’s Thursday and I’m really kinda wishing the kids were in camp. More than anything, I desperately need some alone time, something I haven’t had in at least two weeks. The first time I had alone at all was the ten minutes driving to the grocery store and back this morning. Oh, it was glorious.

We had our return to school zoom last night. I’m bummed we still have to do the “daily pass” printouts which are a huge pain in the ass and use up all my paper and ink, and are utterly meaningless. But I’m glad for the free afterschool and free lunches. I took the boys to Target yesterday (my first trip in years) for clothes and backpacks. I don’t know what supplies we’ll need yet - we get class assignments next week. I spent $400. Ouch. But I’m excited for the return to school. As much as I’m dreading the early mornings again, I’m very much looking forward to the routines and sense of being protected by an authority figure that school provides. I’m not going to be alone in this parenting thing much longer - someone else will be teaching my kids how to behave, deciding what’s for lunch, dictating their social lives. That feeling of panic I felt when school was ending is now being replaced by relief at its return. I have all of August to myself on weekdays between camp and school, and I’m psyched for it. 

The delta variant continues to fuck up my shit, but I will say the number of refund requests is less this week than last week, and the last couple of days at least California’s numbers have stopped going up. This all means nothing, as numbers could start exponentially increasing and people could start canceling in droves again as the current “wait and see” respite expires. I talked to the hotel about potentially canceling. They said they’d discuss it, but also that they may be able to arrange for mass testing as everyone enters (which I’m sure I’d have to pay for), which could be very helpful in making people feel safe and also actually being safe. That will be discussed with me next Wednesday. So I’m pretty much on hold until then. For now I have to continue to spend money and order things as if the event is going on. It’s really hard to get motivated to work on something that a) may not happen and b) if it does happen will not make any money and quite possibly be a huge drag. 

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