Wednesday, July 7, 2021


Well, after all these months, this morning I finally got the word I’ve been waiting for - grant is APPROVED. A few signed agreements and it’s officially on. I won’t really celebrate until the money hits the bank account - or, really, until a year from now when all the receipts are submitted and I am officially in the clear - but HOORAY no more limbo. This is life changing money. I no longer have to worry about losses this year. 

I had a chat with the hotel today to see how flexible they are regarding my room guarantee - if nobody else books rooms at the hotel through me, technically I owe $40,000. The room pickup is looking ok for two months out. But I just don’t want any surprises. 

Theo had a play date today, which is a rare occurrence around here. I don’t want to recreate my own childhood in which I never had any friends over but always stayed at other people’s houses - but we’re just out of sorts, having been isolated for so long and disconnected from friends. I sort of don’t remember how to do this. I’m going to have to up my game next year if I want to break that cycle.

This week we’re just coasting until the next camping trip on Friday. I get up late, make food for everyone, try to cram in as much work as I can, then pool time. I’m trying to get back in the habit of my fasting diet and regular exercise. I absolutely hate the idea of having kept the weight off the entire pandemic, only to pile it all back on in the weeks before everyone is going to see me at my event. That is not ok with me.

My band and I have decided to punk rock it and put on our own events so that we have some local gigs. Without this we probably won’t play anywhere (except my event of course) for the foreseeable future. It’s funny, this is how we began - back in 2003 I took on running a weekly dance venue mainly for the purpose of having a place to play, since not many were interested in hiring us back then. So hopefully we can put on small, vaccine-only Sunday afternoon dances once a month starting in Aug. We have a church hall booked for the purpose. It’s weird to be back in the venue business after all this time, but this is what it’s going to take to rebuild this scene, brick by brick. 

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