Monday, December 7, 2020


We finally Christmassed yesterday. The BF went to Home Depot alone to get the tree then spent the rest of the day hanging our lights on the house. I decorated and made our belated Thanksgiving dinner - apple pie, stuffing, mashed potatoes, peas, gravy, and oversaw everyone else’s ham and turkey while I had a sad little soy patty for my protein. Ah, the life of a vegetarian at the holidays. Oh, and the stuffing mix the BF brought had chicken in it. FML.

All in all, though, it was a great day. The boys were delighted by all the Christmas stuff, and Bobby insisted on wearing a Santa hat at zoom school today. I’m so glad they’ll have fond memories of this time despite it all.

Los Angeles has returned to extreme lockdown. Too bad I missed my hair appointment the week before Thanksgiving because it’ll probably be months again before I can get in there. I also missed my last chance to see a friend for outdoor lunch. I’m glad were able to take our Death Valley trip - apparently all campgrounds have been closed. It’s all a huge bummer. And the numbers in California are absolutely atrocious - way worse than summer. Oh, it’s going to be an awful few months. How will we all get through this?

Every day I worry about what will happen if one of us - probably the BF, since he’s the one who leaves the house - gets infected. How on earth would we quarantine him in this tiny house? Would we all just say “fuck it” and assume we’ll all catch it and hope we don’t have a hard time of it? What if someone has to be hospitalized? What if someone dies? What if the adults are too sick to care for the children, for days or weeks on end? It’s absolutely horrifying. I don’t even know what we’d do. How can you plan for that? You can’t. You just tell yourself “just don’t let that happen”. But really...within days or weeks our happy, safe family could turn into a horrible tragedy. I always think of those soldiers who have been in combat for years, unscathed, then get killed in the last few days of the war. These are the last days. We just have to grit our teeth and pray we survive.

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