Tuesday, December 31, 2019


Inspired by others’ Facebook posts about the end of the year/decade and goals for the next one, I thought I’d do a little summary here. 

2010-2020 was no doubt the most dramatic of my decades, being as it brought me my children. But the 90s were a pretty tumultuous set, too, with me moving to LA and starting my event. Still, I’d say the decade you have your children is no doubt the most life-changing.

I once had a vision of myself at this age with no children and regrets. I know this would be true, because I know myself. And to think of all I would have missed out on! But here I am, a mother of two, and 47. I am content with (and grateful for) this. 

Short term goals? Weight loss, of course. I have been sucked back into contemplating intermittent fasting, based only on two things: 1) it’s something I haven’t tried, and 2) smart people I know swear by it. I am very skeptical - I don’t see how your body won’t just stress out and start holding on to calories if you periodically starve it like that; also, since it’s really just about reducing calories, why not just do that, since that’s the only thing that really works? But. Being as everything I try fails in the long run and I just keep gaining more and more pounds each year, what the hell - might as well try it. 

I’d like to say I’ll commit to more self care - getting my nails done, styling my hair, etc etc - but as long as I’m home alone all day I really don’t see the need. 

I’d like to start composting. Some people I know tried it and hated it. I may very well be one of those people. But again - I feel like I should try. Might encourage me to up my gardening game, which to be honest, has been a bit of a disaster.

My resolution to learn to knit has been wildly successful. I hope this year to improve and learn more skills - I want to break out of the safety of just basic knit stitch scarves and learn crochet, other stitches, and how to make sweaters and hats and other things, maybe even learn to read patterns. Since I get so much enjoyment out of knitting and have so much time in the evenings (and three more months of winter), this I think I’ll actually accomplish. 

Other than that, I just want things to continue on as they have - I want the kids to thrive, my relationship to continue, my businesses to survive AB5, the house to stay in one piece, etc etc. I want to get my first all-electric car when my lease is up in November. 

Decade goals? I want to pay off my house and second mortgage - both of these should be accomplished by 2026. It would be nice to be married. I want the kids to grow and find their passions and not understand why mommy was so sad when she was their age. I want the event to continue and stay relevant. I want the band to continue. It would be great to learn a musical instrument, but this may have to wait. I’d love to travel with girlfriends more. I’d love to charge into menopause with a plan to stay thin and healthy, but this may not happen for me, and I hope I can live with that. 

I want Trump and his cronies to be marched away in handcuffs. This may also never happen. But boy, would it be sweet. 

That’s it. Happy New Year, all, and new decade! 

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