Thursday, December 19, 2019

Christmas Eve eve eve eve eve eve

One more day of school! This has been my countdown chant every day. Thankfully Bobby’s teacher has not assigned homework this week (I kind of love her) and as of Tuesday I’ve given up trying to make Bobby practice violin. The kids are so impossibly keyed up that getting them to do anything at all is a monumental task. I don’t know how teachers manage kids on these weeks before breaks/holidays. Or the weeks after, for that matter. Or any time, now that I think of it.

Yesterday I helped out at Bobby’s class’ potluck. I brought decorations on a whim that were admired by all - not so my utter failure of a spinach/hummus wrap Christmas tree (too many things went wrong there to count - Bobby very sweetly ate some and claimed to like it). Today I wrapped about 10,000 presents. I don’t know how people do all these things while working full time jobs. My hat is off to you. 

I booked a five day trip to Cancun in February with a friend who’s taking time off before starting a new job. I’ve never done the resort Mexico thing - I’ve only ever visited relatives or gone down the Baja peninsula camping (back when it was relatively safe). I can’t wait to swim in cenotes and see pyramids. I think it will cure my not-traveling-with-the-band blues until things pick up again in April.

Right now I’m playing cat-and-mouse with my bank account. I’m down to my last $4000 but need to make it past Feb 1st. Booking this trip helps because I can let it sit on my credit card while being paid back by my friend; I also have rent money from the BF and a small surplus in another bank account I can transfer in and then return later. I hate that I’m going to start the year with an unpaid credit card - but hey, you gotta do what you gotta do.

Monday I enjoyed the boys’ Christmas show - Bobby sang the chipmunk’s song and Turn, Turn, Turn; Theo sang Madonna’s Holiday. 


Speaking of celebrate, the orange menace has been impeached. We’ll still be stuck with him, I have no doubt - but YESSS. The BF and I dragged the kids out in the cold the night before to attend a rally and then get Chinese food. It’s their first moment of political engagement. I hope they remember it with pride.

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