Wednesday, September 4, 2019


So, event number 22 is done. 

It went well. And I picked up a lot of people at the door, which is unusual - bringing my total weekend pass buyers to about 1450, which is a record. Again I think back to the days of 700 attendees and how huge that felt...and we’re only two events away from our 25th anniversary, which I’m sure will be extra nuts.

The only issues this year were major problems with air conditioning at the hotel, and some floor slippage with the dance floor. Other than that, it was business as usual. 

This was the first year since setting up a Code of Conduct and bringing on board a Safety Team that we actually had no safety issues. The BF and I were discussing it last night and we felt that it’s #metoo that’s made the difference - everyone is hyper vigilant now, and the culture has finally caught on that trying to get young girls drunk so you can sleep with them is, in fact, not ok. The Wild West nature of these events from 10-20 years ago seems to be mostly gone, and good riddance. I believe it’s a huge part of why my numbers have steadily increased. 

My head is swimming with all the closing up work that still has to be done, but for now I’m going to get rest where I can and slowly ease back into family life. One thing I’ve been putting off for ages is handing off my job as organizer of monthly Single Mom by Choice get-togethers. It’s hard for me to give that up since I’ve been doing it since Bobby was a baby, and it’s sort of my last tie to the world of SMCs - once you’re long past the TTC, pregnancy, and new baby stuff, your mind just isn’t there anymore; and I feel a bit of a hypocrite with a live-in boyfriend for years. I don’t know the struggles of raising two boys alone since I haven’t done that in four years. All the things that would be issues now - the big kid questions, birthday parties and family tree projects - I managed to avoid just by the mere presence of a man in their life. Every month goes by and I just forget to put a group together because my brain is somewhere else (and a weekend day with no plans is a rare entity these days); it’s time to close up shop. It’s hard to let go of that piece of my identity, though, I’ll be honest. 

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