Saturday, July 14, 2012

House projects galore

So I thought I was nuts to do a kitchen renovation with a baby and two weeks before my event, but it actually hasn't been too bad. I just felt this sudden need to spruce up the house before everyone comes to my birthday party next Sunday. I want to make a good impression, you know?

And as always with these little, inexpensive projects, I can't believe I tolerated the old crap as long as I did. I lived with a greasy, grimy, half painted kitchen for ELEVEN YEARS. Even five years ago when I had tons of home equity and no baby it didn't cross my mind to fix this...? Well, the problem was I had so much home equity I was planning on moving, or doing a major renovation. So a little paint/carpentry upgrade wasn't really in the picture.

It's definitely made me think about how we put up with unacceptable crap in our lives just because we get used to it - in our jobs, our families, our relationships. I've had this god-awful ear splitting buzzer for a doorbell for all these years, so bad that it's startled me into dropping dishes, screaming in fright, etc. Finally got a nice Westminster Abbey doorbell as part of the kitchen upgrade. Umm, why didn't I do this the second I moved in? What the heck?

With the painting of the kitchen I believe I've nearly undone all the mistakes I've made around here. The guy returns to finish up Monday - he has only to paint the ceiling and cabinets and the wainscot over the sink. Then I have to scrape the years of grime off of all my decorative items and put them back and we're done. Just in time for a baby in motion!

Here are some "before" and "during" pics:


  1. I love the blue!! I know what you mean about making do, I've just recently started spending some money on my house & don't know why I've waited.

  2. I put things off also, but then I go bonkers and go overboard at one time. So I am trying to hold off on my next project until I get the last one paid off. I'm glad you are enjoying your "new" kitchen. :-)
