Monday, January 7, 2013

Night #5

Last night was neither here nor there, really. Not bad, not great. One feeding during the night which I guess is the goal - but a lot of waking towards the morning, so really I was up from about 6 am, which isn't good for me. I may want to invest in some shades for behind my light curtains in the bedroom because it just gets too darned bright here in the morning, which makes it almost impossible to sleep once you've woken up.

Construction resumed today. My contractor also got the first check for the sewer line work which officially puts me in debt. He will start tomorrow or Wednesday - and not a moment too soon, since the house has now officially begun to stink (it's probably stunk for a long time, I just attributed it to the diaper pail). I am dreading having the water turned off for possibly days - that's going to SUCK big time. I will have to find friends who will let me shower at their house. But boy will it be a relief when it's done - can you believe I've been delaying that repair for nine years???

Today it doesn't look like much was accomplished upstairs, other than part of the floor being laid down. Once the drywall is in it will really start to look like something. I already enjoy going up there, though. It's really nice to go into a little hidey spot like that and look down on the back yard. I love having an upstairs! It fulfills my Cancerian need to hide and be private. Heck, maybe I'll make it my bedroom.

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