Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Heat wave

Our week long wicked heat wave has finally come to an end, and temperatures are headed to the low 70s by next week. It’s symbolic for me - event is over, summer is over, moving on to the new phase. 

I had wanted to spend the weekend at the cabin last weekend but knew temperatures may not allow it; I was correct, it was 104°. But we did have tickets to Polyphonic Spree at Pappy & Harriet’s in Pioneertown, so we opted to just drive out for the night. I had a lot of misgivings about the whole plan - keeping the kids out late, at a bar, in the heat, to see a band I barely know and they don’t know at all? It was looking like a “better in concept” situation for a minute. But thankfully it all worked out. The last time we tried to go to Pappy & Harriet’s was during the pandemic when everything was sort of half-open and disheveled; this time it was a really good experience, with good food and cool people. We even got to sit in a booth and watch the band, so Theo could lie down and I didn’t have to stand. And the band, in that tiny space, was fantastic. They always have stellar music there. I looked at the H and said when the kids are graduated from school we seriously need to just move out there and go to concerts and enjoy our lives. I was half kidding. 

I’m pleased to report so far, a month into the new school year, both kids are doing great. As you know I had concerns about Bobby just because of all the changes, but so far he seems to be managing his time and doing his work with minimal complaint, as is Theo. The library pickups have worked out great, and that’s been a huge relief. 

Right now I’m anxiously awaiting my house pay off quote - I made the mistake of googling the topic today and found that in most cases the pay off price will be more than your posted balance. However, it doesn’t look like much more - maybe $3000? So I shouldn’t be in for any huge surprises, but again, I just don’t know. And I don’t know when exactly this quote will arrive in the mail. I may not get it until next week some time. Getting all of that squared away and paid and recorded will be amazing. I don’t feel I can really exhale until that happens.

Speaking of exhaling, I was also able to exhale a bit after last night’s presidential debate, which I had a lot of anticipatory anxiety about. The H came home early to watch with me and then we watched hours of analysis after. I’m glad to be with someone who’s on the same page about this stuff as me - and who has the same level of interest. While I was kind of hoping the orange turd would drop dead on live TV, short of that, I’ll take what we got, which was him looking ridiculous and on the defensive and Kamala being fierce and controlled. Will this win us the election? I don’t know - my certainty in that department has been waning lately - but I know it didn’t hurt us. Two more months. God (that I don’t believe in) help us all.

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