Saturday, April 16, 2022

The return

We’re back from spring break and doing multiple loads of laundry while I lounge around in preparation for a gig later this evening. It’s amazing how dirty things get out there. I’m glad I had the boys in their hiking boots and jeans all week so their school sneakers didn’t get ruined.

It was a strange, desultory week - we never really had appropriate plans for food or projects day to day; there was a lot of time spent in hardware stores and driving around and grabbing fast food. I have to admit I got sort of pissy mid-week because it all seemed semi pointless; at one point I sent this text to various friends:

“Spring Break Tragedy as mother murders entire family because they won’t stop singing the Animaniacs theme. “They just wouldn’t stop singing it,” said the bedraggled mother as she was led away in handcuffs in an unincorporated area of San Bernardino, local officials reported late Tuesday.”

However, I enjoyed being out there so much that the rest seemed to melt away - the F worked his butt off framing the container, painting it, and installing a security door on the cabin on the final day in anticipation of not being out there for a while. I mostly sat in the shade unless I was needed, and the kids entertained themselves throwing 2x4s at each other. We actually ended up getting more done than I’d thought - but without a working toilet or clean place to sleep and cook, the spot is not useable as yet unless we want to take tents out there. So we just tried to lock it down as best as possible before leaving probably for the summer. 

In a way I’m glad we’re not just throwing it together - the ensuing months will give me time to really plot out a proper bathroom setup, figure out what to do about heat and cooling, what security cameras to get, what color to paint the place, how to finish interior walls, etc etc. Once my event is over I can devote my full time to this place. But for the next five months I’ve got other priorities. 

We have to give the kids covid tests before they return to school Monday. We did a ton of interior maskless activity this week, so it wouldn’t surprise me if at last our luck ran out. Several friends have reported catching covid in the last couple of weeks, everyone with that same defeated “well, I guess it’s my turn” feeling. With no masks it’s only a matter of time, really. I could keep us masked up forever, but local transmission rates just don’t justify it right now, IMO. Famous last words, right? We’ll see what happens over the next few weeks. I predict an uptick but not a surge. 

I open my event registration in two weeks. Once again, I have no idea what to expect. Will I have a big opening night like last year, followed by a whole lot of nothing because everyone’s waiting for the next variant? That seems likely. Or a crappy opening night because everyone figures might as well wait until we know for sure it’s going to be ok. So I could have a small opening since these people are sick of being burned. But other events seem to be doing very well, and people are booking rooms at my hotel, so that’s a good sign. It will be amazing to have actual income again, hopefully this time income that doesn’t have to be returned. 

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