Sunday, January 19, 2020

Resistance Witch rides again

I participated in my fourth Women’s March Saturday. As always, it was invigorating and empowering. We had 350,000 people in LA. I just wish there wasn’t a dance event in Orange County the same weekend that knocks out the entire swing dance community. So many women I saw there said, “I so wish I could march this weekend!” I did both, but I seriously screwed up my voice for singing Saturday night. Ugh. 

So after two days of driving 1 1/2 hours both ways to Newport Beach, getting up early to march, singing until late at night, and dealing with some emotionally charged social situations (having to confront someone I fired a couple of years ago, having to share a dinner table with a Trump supporter, dealing with my diminished voice), I am totally drained. I’m sorry but today is going to have to be one of those “kids on iPads all day” kind of days. I hate it but I just don’t have the physical energy or emotional bandwidth for anything else. They are doing it together and actively engaging with each other and having fun, so I guess that’s ok...?

Week one of my 5:2 diet went well. I fasted on Monday and Thursday, and found it pretty doable. Things I ate were: big salads with low fat dressing, steamed broccoli with Parmesan, lentil soup, hard boiled eggs, water with electrolytes, tea. I find if I don’t eat breakfast I’m not really hungry until about one; but the hardest time is around 4-6. I’m thinking I might push dinner to those times so at least I’m better prepared for the long evenings with kids, without being too hungry. In the first week I was down 4 lbs. I shudder to imagine where I’m at now with a weekend of not great eating, but I feel as long as I’m still losing over all it’s worth sticking with. The main point of this diet - not being on it all the time - really works for me. So, we shall see. I always feel like you should give a diet 4-6 weeks before making a decision about it. So I’ll try to do that before deciding if it’s something I can live with. 

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