Monday, May 20, 2019

My kids’ childhoods are 1000% better than mine, part MCMXVII

I just played the boys “Paint it Black” and Bobby said, “why does he want everything black? I don’t get it,” and I said it was because he was sad. “Haven’t you ever felt that way?” I asked. He said no. It was all I could do not to say, “Jesus, kid, when I was your age I was contemplating suicide on like a daily basis!”

Example number 5,387 why my kids’ childhoods are better than mine was. 

Also, just went in to tuck the boys in and Bobby rambled off, bored, “love you, too” before I’d even said it. My kid is so used to hearing me tell him I love him that he’s bored by it. Let that sink in for a minute. Reason number 5,....

In other news, Mother’s Day was a roaring success. I managed to lob away unwanted depressing thoughts about my mother and my own love-starved inner child like so many machine-thrown tennis balls. We had a delightful hike up Eaton Canyon to a beautiful waterfall. We all got wet in the stream, ruined our shoes, and had a blast. I got to listen to nothing but Beck in the car and got cute cards from the BF & boys. 

After this...I’ve been very, very busy, and as a result have felt pretty frazzled and discombobulated. There is so much work to do for my business that I don’t even know where to start...but I did meet with my new business partner and we went over things with a fine tooth comb so I feel a lot more secure about the success of switching over my registration system (which, much to my chagrin, has still not happened). Went to Portland last weekend to sing; will go on a first camping trip this weekend. Then I have back-to-back trips to Germany and NY as the boys finish up school. I finally got them registered for that summer sports camp today after months of stalking them. So they are set until our return from Hawaii in mid-July. If they like it they’ll continue on until school starts in August. 

It feels good to be rounding out the school year. Bobby did well in first grade - only had (I think?) one note home from the teacher, got 100% on nearly all of his spelling tests, seems to be doing well socially. Theo thrived at his little neighborhood school - what a godsend that place ended up being - and will be that much more ready for kindergarten because of it. I cannot wait until that first day of school when I walk them both down the ramp to their teachers. I feel like I am on the precipice of that sweet spot of childhood - no more toddler craziness and before the sturm und drang of adolescence. It feels good.

1 comment:

  1. So glad you got the healthy, happy Mother's Day you deserved!
