Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Theo is five

My youngest child is five.

A lot will happen for Theo this year. He can attend spring and summer camp with his brother, and he’ll join him at school in the fall (even though I’ve already had the school experience this year thanks to LAUSD’s extended kindergarten program). Depending on what his maturity level is like, I may start him on an instrument at some point. 

What is Theo like, on the day of his fifth birthday? Extroverted, full of life, friendly, funny, can’t sit still. It’s hard to remember his brother at this age - was Bobby the same? I tend to think Bobby was more mercurial and delicate. Theo is Mr. Popularity everywhere he goes. It amuses me to no end that his friends at his afterschool program are a lot older than him - he asked to give a birthday party invite to his ten-year-old friend William. 

Theo looks nothing like me nor Bobby, but enough like my mother that I know our genes are in there. Today for his birthday present he gets to go to the doctor and get shots. Good times. But after we’ll pick out a small cake and have a little family party before the big joint party on Bobby’s birthday on the 24th. 

I wonder if I’ll ever tire of squishing him or kissing his little cheeks. 

1 comment:

  1. Omg 5! I started reading your blog when I was TTC and looking for inspiration from other SMC. You were pregnant with Theo and now my son is 2.5. Time is one crazy concept.
    Happy birthday Theo!
