Saturday, January 12, 2019


The strike has been postponed to Monday. There may be a Hail Mary negotiation...but I’m not holding out much hope at this point. Teachers have sent out information about school work during the strike; people are raising money for snacks and drinks for strikers. I don’t know when we’ll know - Sunday night? Monday morning? All I know is it’s time to walk the walk - I’m progressive, I’m pro-union. These views are not always convenient nor comfortable. Here we go.

Cabinets were installed in the empty kitchen on Thursday and Friday. Of course, there are issues. The nook meant for the microwave is too shallow to fit any microwave, and the sliding out box they built for the garbage cans will of course not fit any garbage cans, by about one inch. One shouldn’t be too hard to fix (I’m thinking the box meant to hold the garbage cans can be removed and a steel sliding cage with garbage cans in place can be installed instead) but I don’t know what they’re going to do with the microwave spot. My kitchen designer said she’d fix it somehow. She also found someone to buy my old stove that’s been sitting on my porch since Halloween. So that’s a relief. Not sure what happens next. The window re-make has stalled out; not much can happen until that’s resolved. We’ll see what next week brings. 

My website has been updated and launched. It still has a few issues that need to be addressed before I can announce it, but that work is done. Now I need to focus on the new registration system. I did all of the accounting and 1099s and business license renewals for both band and event. Also, like the rest of the nation, inspired by a sweet Japanese lady with a penchant for folding, I’ve been inspired to start tidying and organizing the house whether the kitchen is done or not. We now have a game closet, both boys have memory boxes, and I have one big box of baby things for both boys (cards from baby showers, baby clothes, baby cups, hospital wristbands, positive pregnancy tests, ultrasound pics, even a post-it note I wrote of all the steps I would need to take to get pregnant - get off birth control, monitor periods, check out sperm banks, get insurance that covers maternity, check costs of childcare and preschool - remember those days?). I cleaned out my broken and messy sewing box; poignantly, I kept a yellowing pattern for doll clothes my mother made me, with her tiny handwriting barely still there. 

Next up for organizing? The final two shelves in the game closet - which include tons of vhs tapes of my dancing from the 90s and collections of clips the old timers gave me. Until I can get the funds and mental energy together to have these all transferred to a hard drive, they need to be put somewhere less prime real estate in the house. I also want to do that cool vertical folding thing with all of my clothes, and clean out my various linen drawers full of unused sheet sets and mismatched towels. When that kitchen is done this house is going to be efficient, organized, and clean, if it’s the last thing I do!

Did I mention I’ve also taken up knitting and formed a Facebook group for dancers who knit? Yes. Because I don’t have enough going on.

Bobby’s poop issues seem to be somewhat better, thanks to a small bowl of apple sauce with Miralax in it every morning. It’s still largely behavioral, though - if he just went after lunch at school he wouldn’t have accidents. This week he only had one. A big improvement over multiple times a day, but not a magical fix. Once school is back on (?) I’ll contact his teacher. But until then, not knowing what happens next week...we have other things to worry about. Both boys were pretty miserable back at school but soon adjusted to it and we even had a nice rainy day today playing board games and working on sewing projects (Bobby’s latest interest which delights me to no end). Here’s today’s project they did in the couple of hours with their old babysitter while I took time off to hike with a friend - they finally built their LEGO Yellow Submarine!

1 comment:

  1. So cute! I feel like he really looks like you in that photo!

    For what it's worth, I un-Kondoed my shirts because I couldn't tell all the black shirts apart when they were folded up that way.

    Everything else about Kondo was pretty great for us. Of course, nothing like moving to a foreign country with only what you can pack in a few suitcases to make you get minimal!
