Thursday, November 1, 2018

No tenemos kandies

Is there such a thing as being a grinch about Halloween? I didn’t hate it; it just seemed to drag on and on this year (the kids wore their shitty “costume in a bag” Black Panther and Bumble Bee transformer costumes for some event or other pretty much every day for the last week, undermining the actual holiday). Also, I’m being pulled in a million directions at the moment and am distracted and discombobulated - the kitchen demo started on Halloween, see below:

So I am currently testing out our tiny enclosed porch laundry room/satellite kitchen with mixed results. It will take some doing to get a groove going in there. Right now I don’t really know where anything is, everything is at odd heights, and my routines are still off. And I’m the kind of person who does not do well without routines. 

Also I leave for Budapest in about twenty minutes. I have not had much time to mentally prepare for that undertaking - a lengthy, complex European trip and singing three nights in a’s a lot. I mean, I’m glad of the break, and I’m sure it’ll be an adventure, but...with the kitchen just started I’m leaving a lot of loose ends here. Trying my best not to be anxious. 

Sadly, I had to sign Theo out of school early and miss his school’s Halloween parade to go to Bobby’s instead because they were at the same time. Yep, once again the older sibling wins, solely by virtue of the fact that Bobby would remember missing his while Theo wouldn’t. Also, Bobby’s school is bigger, nicer, and the parade is more epic (last year the “Watch Me Whip” guys showed up and did an impromptu performance). After school we futzed around at a playground, then the BF got home from work and we all went trick or treating in the same Eagle Rock neighborhood we went to last year, and it was great. It’s such a pleasure to have kids that can walk up to the door by themselves, say thank you, and be polite. I remember struggling with strollers and toddlers constantly tripping and falling in the dark (although we kept count and Theo tripped and spilled the contents of his trick or treat pumpkin five times, so maybe he’s not as sure on his feet as I thought!).

Next year both boys will be at the same school and everything will be so much easier. I’ll have a new kitchen, and everything will be grand. As with all things, the struggles of today are an investment in a brighter tomorrow. 

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