Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Be of good cheer

So, our blue wave has come. I had a very anxious flight home from Budapest on Election Day, the last leg of which had no access to live tv when all the results were pouring in. Then when we finally touched down and I was able to furtively switch my phone off of airplane mode, I was so tired, hungry and gassy that I could only focus on the losses - Beto, senate seats, a dead guy getting elected - and was pretty bummed. But after further investigation in the light of day today, it seems we lost some battles but only ones we expected to lose; the most important thing is we won the house and some key positions are in our hands. 

Be of good cheer. The Republican vice grip on this country is crumbling. 

But also - what the fuck, white women?!? Seriously!

In other news, the band had a really delightful trip to Budapest. It was similar to our Korean trips in that the audience was mostly made up of people who had heard our CDs for years and never dreamed of seeing us live, and so were crazy enthusiastic. They bought every last piece of our merchandise, wanted autographs and Facebook friendships. We had our fifteen minutes of fame.

And the city. The city! Budapest has earned a spot as one of my favorite places. Beautiful, historic, walkable, tourist friendly without being a tourist trap. On our final day I decided to brave public transport alone and parboil myself at one of the many hot springs - 

I felt entirely unprepared for my visit - I really should have done more research into the history of Hungary and its people. It’s pretty fascinating. It was my first visit to Eastern Europe and I hope not my last. 

The boyfriend watched the kids for almost a full week in my absence. Other than a couple of mistakes, I think he did a good job. It’s easy to pick away at little things because nobody will ever parent your kids the way you do, but as with the election results I’m trying to focus on the positive. I have a wonderful man in my life who takes care of my kids like his own while I travel, saving me thousands of dollars. Be of good cheer. 

The kids are still in underwear at night and are still peeing their beds every night. I told Bobby he has to train his brain to hold his pee while he sleeps. He asked, “how do I do that?” I honestly don’t know. Most people would tell me they’ll do it when they’re ready...but come on. This kid is almost seven. I’m pretty sure he’d be happy to be in pull ups until adulthood. Most other kids have this mastered by three or four. I don’t get it. What am I doing wrong? What should I be doing? The nighttime training rages on. At least B has stopped the daily pants pooping by going at school after lunch. Is that what this has been about, all this time? Whatever it is, I’ll take it. I can only handle one continence problem at a time, thank you very much. 


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