Saturday, May 19, 2012


Bumpus is developing more and more every day - today he (thankfully) slept through a brunch in the carrier, and even cooed and smiled at me while I spent two hours on the computer tonight. Makes up for the scream fest when I was trying to get ready to go out this morning!

I hate to say it, but you ladies will know what I'm talking about: it is a lot easier to love something that sees you, smiles, and reacts. I'm surprised Mother Nature doesn't have babies come out of the womb all smiley and cute to make the exhausted mothers want to take care of them. I often think Nature gave a non-nurturing a-hole like me a super cute kid so I wouldn't throw him out the window. Whatever the reason, it worked!

Tonight I am going to attempt going out dancing. This time I'll put the baby in the carrier rather than leaving him in the car seat which he hates. However this may make dancing impossible. Well, I guess I should look at tonight as socializing rather than dancing. Let's face it, even sans baby I never got more than a couple of dances in during a two hour dance night anyway.

Hideous disappointment in the MediCal department. Yesterday I got a massive package from them that I thought was an acceptance packet - no. Just endless paperwork demanding more authentication of my income, assets, bank accounts, citizenship, etc etc, including the same exhaustive form I'd already sent in. I called because I had a lot of questions - and the guy on the phone somehow started going over my entire tax return line by line asking about each one of my hundreds of deductions - I felt like I was being audited! I asked if he was going to ask me to explain and justify every one of my deductions, and he said yes. So at that point I explained that I wanted Healthy Families and not MediCal anyway, since I already know I don't qualify for MediCal. He told me I can do a Profit & Loss statement for HF instead if using my tax return, which is what has been screwing everything up from the beginning. Yet another disadvantage of being self employed, ugh! Thank God the HF website had an example of a Profit and Loss statement, so now my weekend job is to try to find three consecutive months that show I make the money I say I do, which is almost impossible since most of the year I make almost nothing, and then over 2-3 months I make over $100,000, almost none of which I keep (it all goes to pay the expense of the event). Anyway, I can forget about getting myself covered, but if I do this Profit & Loss statement correctly I just might get coverage for Robert. I have a tremendous amount of anxiety over it. And then I opened the envelope from Kaiser which was a $1000 bill for his coverage for the last three months. I think I can forget about that water filtration system and just resign myself to drinking brown water for the foreseeable future.

Good thing you're so darned cute!


  1. Yeesh! I'm sorry you're having to jump through so many hoops. I hope you can get it straightened out soon.

  2. Yikes! Sorry to hear you have so much to go thru for coverage, that sucks!! Hope the dance went well.
