Wednesday, May 16, 2012

He's official

Today I waited in line for 45 minutes in Van Nuys and got Bumpus' birth certificate. It actually wasn't so bad - the line moved consistently and a combo of the carrier, bouncing, and the white noise app on this phone kept him quiet the whole time. Also there were kids and babies acting up all up and down the line, so I'm sure if he'd cried nobody would have cared!

So now if I need to apply for a passport I can. Not that I have any intention of taking him out of the country right now - but in case something like Antigua comes up again, I won't be two steps away from going.

His smiley interactive-ness grows daily. He also does a nice long 4-5 hour stretch when he goes to bed, so my sleep has been less interrupted. I got an app on the phone about the "wonder weeks" - a theory of baby development, with a map of when to expect him to be the fussiest, etc. I can't say I can tell if it's accurate yet...but I will say his general demeanor is pretty changeable day to day. There's no one thing that works to comfort him all the time, which is kind of maddening, but at least I have some tools in my arsenal: swaddling, swaying, the swing, the chair, white noise, carrying, nursing, etc. Nursing seems to always work, but honestly my breasts ache so much these days I simply can't stand the endless nursing sessions anymore; the pain has become excruciating. It's not the nipple per se because I still use the shield, and it's not mastitis. I just feel like I've had a couple of high-powered vacuum
cleaners attached to my boobs. I may have to look for some remedies soon, because it really sucks (no pun intended).


  1. I always wondered when people would say, "All I had to do was X & my baby would quiet right down"...I had to use the arsenal method too.

  2. I just started using a Lanolin cream last night because my nips are so freaking sore (and I'm exclusively pumping). I did notice my nips were cracked... not sure if anything else is wrong with them, but the lanolin feels good. I'm still sore, but less sore.

    Congrats on getting his birth certificate! That was a big moment for me.
