It was a WEEKEND. Started off with several shitty, triggering comments left on several of my podcast videos from someone who is clearly in the cult still. Despite having deleted the comments and hidden the channel from him, the comments still show up as the first thing you see when you click on the video. If you click on the comment, it’s not there, but it still comes up right under the video. Apparently this is just how it works. What the actual fuck is the point of being able to delete comments if you can’t actually delete comments??? Also, you can’t block people from seeing your content, either, just make sure any *future* comments don’t get posted. He can continue to view everything I post and keep commenting with no idea that he’s not actually able to. I’m so annoyed and have been really triggered and upset all weekend (especially because the gaslighting bullshit he posted was exactly the type of shit my mother used to say to me).
Then our fridge broke again, after being repaired just a few months ago, and of course, once again, none of us noticed until everything was literally hot. Even though last time I bought thermometers so we’d have more of a heads up this time, of course they got knocked over and pushed to the back because of all the crap in there. We had a frantic run to Home Depot to try to buy a new fridge - having decided we were sick of repairing this one - but then after buying it, got a hold of the repair guy who was able to come by and fix it after all (waiting on a part now), which is still way cheaper than a whole new fridge, and I had to call to cancel the order of the fridge, but the person told me I need to call back tomorrow to “make sure” the cancellation went through, but tomorrow will be too late for a refund, so now I’m worried about that.
In the middle of all this I had to run out and finance a new phone because my rickety old one wouldn’t even charge anymore, and it took over six hours on the phone with TMobile, Apple, and GoDaddy to figure out why my email wasn’t working (apparently I had to clear my cache).
I struggled to remind myself all weekend how grateful I should be for all the nice things in my life, because these things that happened are petty and have solutions and don’t really matter in the scheme of things. As of now most are resolved (except the YouTube issue which will continue to irritate me - I may just turn commenting off in the future). We didn’t have to fork out $2000 for a new fridge that was a step down from the one we currently have, and I have a kick ass new phone which, apart from the extremely irritating loss of a whole day trying to fix the email issue, works great. And paid very little for it, as we were able to use some promos and just stick the cost on my monthly bill. But STILL.
We watched It’s a Wonderful Life Saturday night, an event we’d been looking forward to with the kids, but for me anyway, it didn’t go as I had hoped. The H promised the kids hot chocolate, not realizing we didn’t have any. So when we stopped the movie in the middle to make some, I hustled myself into the kitchen to make it from scratch, while being annoyed that I had to use things I was saving for other recipes to make it. To be fair, he offered to run out and buy some - I should have taken him up on this - but I figured I make this same recipe all the time for the kids so it shouldn’t be a big deal. But I was so exhausted from having had a late night gig the night before in Santa Barbara that it was a bit of an ordeal, and then to top it off later Theo said it “wasn’t very good”, despite having loved it many times before. Theo just has this way of hurting my feelings the way no one else can. I considered confronting him about how rude this was, but backed down because I’ve just had too much conflict lately and was already feeling shitty over the YouTube stuff and just didn’t want to make things more shitty. In the end, I think the kids were bored by the movie, and honestly after watching George completely go off on his family and make everyone cry, I kind of wished Clarence hadn’t saved him in the river. So George Bailey gets to verbally abuse his whole family, including his wife who clearly is and has always been the only one keeping everything together (renovating an entire house on her own while having four babies in rapid succession), and we’re supposed to be happy when the town comes to bail him out. Pffft. I’d like to see a modern version in which Mary leaves his lame daydreaming ass because she clearly doesn’t need his selfish abusive BS anyway. Now that would be a wonderful life.
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