Monday, August 12, 2024

First day of school

Today was the first day of 7th grade for Bobby and 5th grade for Theo. It was the first time dropping Theo alone at the safety valet, and then finding my way over to the giant jr/sr high school for Bobby (who unfortunately will probably always be a half hour early). I wasn’t sure where to drop him off, so I just pulled over on a not busy part of the main drag where he could see the entrance and watched him get out. He gave me a genuine look of, “well, here I go!”as he got out, and I said, “it’s going to be ok, honey!”, and then I watched him walk down the street and into the school entrance all by himself. And that was that.

Upon pickup, Theo was full of stories of his first day; lots of talk about the large earthquake that struck while I was in the shower (biggest one I’ve felt since Northridge - it was right under us) - the kids were evacuated briefly. Never a dull moment. I thought we could pull over and wait for Bobby, but it was still so early that I decided to come home and use the bathroom and wash hands and drop our stuff and then turn back around to pick up Bobby and go to First Day of School Ice Cream. 

There was quite a traffic jam to pick up the high school kids; almost all of them appeared to be headed to Eagle Rock Blvd on their own. I wonder if there’s a bus line that would get B home…? Anyway, thanks to modern technology we were able to find each other. He said his first day was “interesting”. He seemed happy, though, as his fears of not being able to find his classes abated. He also reconnected with a lot of friends from his old school that he hadn’t seen all last year, which was nice. I was glad he had people to sit with at lunch (always a mine field for kids this age). 

So for both kids there was no work today, but I imagine at least for Bobby all that will kick in fast. I don’t know how that’s going to go. I’m still worried about all these Honors classes he’s in. I guess only time will tell.

Today I busied myself with the fussier projects for my event, and had to shut down comments on my public apology post because people were getting too ugly. I have not heard from the friend I offended, and I may never. Sigh.

I am back on my workout schedule and am quite happy about that. Tomorrow bright and early I’m back to my Pilates class I haven’t been able to take for two months, same for Friday’s strength training class. Tonight I did yoga. I’m pretty convinced having a regular yoga practice has helped keep me sane during these rough waters for the last week. Still a lot to do. In a little over two weeks we pack up and go. Too fast. On the way back from yoga I was fantasizing about paying off my house, moving out, renting it, moving out to the desert, and never doing my event again. If my kids weren’t school aged that plan would sound awfully appealing right now.

Here’s the boys, before and after.

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