Monday, July 30, 2018

The penultimate week

We have two more weeks of summer schedule. I can’t tell you how much I’m dreading waking up two hours earlier and rushed mornings. But with that comes long, unbroken days to myself, no more driving to Pasadena six times a week, no more preschool fees, and no more half days three days a week. It will be just the thing when I really need to work and focus in the final weeks before my event.

Plans for the kitchen are forging ahead. The big problem at the moment is getting my electric panel and solar monitoring equipment moved from the wall that I need to break down to put in a window. This involves the DWP which, according to my electrician, moves extremely slowly. I’m pretty worried that this one thing could set us back weeks. 

I’ve decided to transform my laundry room into a satellite kitchen. If it’s going to be months, and if I insist on still cooking, then I’m going to need a real setup, not just operate out of boxes. So I’m going to clear all the shelves in there, use the utility sink, get an instant pot and a hot plate, and go to town. 

My refrigerator still won’t be fixed for nearly three weeks. I am beside myself. By the end of this ordeal I’ll have been operating out of a mini fridge in the dining room for six weeks. 

I have a question for all of you. Is anyone other than my sister actually reading this? My readership has declined sharply over the last couple of years - I figure largely because most of my blogger friends have stopped blogging at this point, and therefore nobody is reading them, either - and nobody comments anymore. I don’t intend to stop blogging - for me it’s a good creative outlet and a way to keep a record of our family life - so if I’m blogging for myself alone, that’s ok. But I am definitely curious whether I’m shouting into the void or not.


  1. I read the blog. I started reading when I was considering being a single mom and looking for others. And now I just love hearing the stories and getting a window into someone else’s life.

  2. I am here, cheering you on from Austin! Tara, SMC to 7yo daughter.

  3. Hey! I’m from London Ontario :) I check in a few times a week - you’re on the top row of my bookmarks in my phone, so I usually skim by on my lunch break at work. I’ve been following since just after Robert was born.

    Incidentally I’ve been a thinker all these years, and Thursday is my first IUI - so now I’m a tryer! :)

  4. I am. :)

    I just hardly ever comment or click over. I read in Feedly.

  5. Hi! Just wanted to let you know that you are not shouting into the void. I have been following your blog and other smc blog for years and two weeks ago, after almost 5 years of ttc, I became the mom of a very cute little baby boy :-) And I will definitely keep reading your blog :-)


  6. I read. We've mever met and I cant remember how I found your blog. But I'm a thinker/planner for becoming an SMBC. I actually used to (sort of) live right around your area of California. I won't be TTCing for another few years because of medical issues but I enjoy reading your blog anyway.

  7. Hello! I'm reading. :) Of course I am just a random stranger (mom of two in Maryland), but I came across your blog years ago and still enjoy it - I like your writing style, sense of humor, and politics. And I'm always in awe of how skillfully you manage whatever life throws your way. Hope you will continue to chronicle your adventures.

  8. Hi, I'm here! I only check in every few weeks or so.

  9. I'm still reading! Except I tend to binge now rather than in real time--I just caught up on everything since April.

    Speaking of which: I'm really sorry about your mom, even though I understand what you mean about having grieved that loss for so many years already.

  10. I'm still reading, but rarely, because like you said, i rarely blog anymore. But when I do, i catch up on all your entries and I enjoy them. so i'm glad you won't stop blogging!

    awfully sorry about your mom. i can't imagine how that feels. losing a parent when you have a complicated relationship is... complicated. I'm glad you feel okay.

  11. I read your blog all the time and it has helped me tremendously. I hope you keep it going.

  12. This might be a 2nd comment as the first one didn’t seem to go through. Still reading here and have been since Theo was in utero.

  13. Hi! Just another SMC from PA that has been following since before Theo was born. I’ve found that most of the bloggers I use to follow have stopped blogging. Good luck with the start of the school year!

  14. hah I'm reading. Took a break after having my daughter but just came back to see if you had updated. I blog at if you have any interest.
