Protested at SpaceX Saturday and then up in Ventura today. It’s been gratifying - unlike the sad little City Hall protests I went to before people started getting their shit together, these have been really well-attended. I’d say about 90% support from passing cars and 10% idiots giving us the finger which I enthusiastically returned. Fuck them all. I hope their grandmas lose Medicaid and end up on the street. Seriously. I hope every one of them dies in horrible ways.
In other news, I’m going to have to pack up my protest boots this weekend (darn it) for a desert weekend ostensibly for the H’s birthday tomorrow. I bought us all a tour of the windmills by Palm Springs. And hopefully we can have the water hauler guy come fill our tanks. And a movie I really want to see is playing at the Drive In. So I’m excited about that.
Unfortunately his birthday tomorrow and our trip are a bit darkened for me right now over a fight we got into yesterday. It’s far too boring and stupid to get into, but suffice it to say I feel like he waaaay overreacted to something that shouldn’t have been even a problem, got really snotty and jerky about it, and I’m pretty sure still thinks he’s right even though he apologized. I’ve noticed he does this - apologizes really fast just to end the fight, but we never clarify what happened and I know he just goes off thinking I’m wrong but he’s keeping the peace so whatevs. What happens is it leaves me feeling unsafe, because how do I know when he’s going to get all pissy about the next stupid thing that wasn’t even remotely a problem? So I don’t know when, but I feel like this needs to be addressed. I won’t feel good about it until we talk it out. And I don’t know when that’s going to happen with tomorrow being his birthday and his working non-stop all other times. To be fair, incidents like this are extremely rare - once a year? But still a drag. Sigh. L’enfer, c’est des autres.
I think we will do a cruise - maybe a shorter, cheaper one, and book interesting non-cruise related excursions ourselves? - since I can’t think of anything else to do for the summer and I know everyone except me will love it. Maybe I’ll just go on the water slide over and over. I haven’t pulled the trigger because of all the financial bullshit going on. It’s very difficult to commit to a big expense like that. But I think we’re going to do it.
Summer does hang over me like the Sword of Damocles - I went to a summer camp expo on Saturday, but, unsurprisingly, all of the camps were too far away to drive to every day in rush hour traffic, and also prohibitively expensive. I’m torn between a) trying to get Theo and Bobby at the same rec enter camp, with Bobby as a CIT, which will be difficult to pull off for many reasons, b) having just Theo go to rec enter camp which will also be difficult, or c) saying fuck it and having a feral summer. A feral summer wouldn’t be the end of the world - they still have a week of sleepaway camp - but the very idea of spending SEVEN WEEKS with two kids at home in their pyjamas, haranguing them to brush their teeth, playing video games all day every day while I cook and clean up three meals, all at my absolute busiest and most stressful time of the year, makes me want to slowly peel my skin off with a ham key. The reason the rec center camps would be tough is it’s just so hard to get a spot now. Remember what happened last year? Even showing up an hour early to wait in line was about three hours too late; I barely got them the spots I did, after sitting on concrete for three hours. I don’t even know what the CIT program process is like, but I do know it involves an interview to be selected, and he may just not make it. I could handle Bobby at home alone with me all day more than I could handle both of them. But getting Theo a spot at any camp is not guaranteed. Sigh. I hate it.