Sunday, January 6, 2013

Victory - of sorts!

Just a quick post that last night went the way I wanted - nurse to sleep @ 10, B didn't wake until 5(!), had a nurse, then sleep until 9:30 or so. Yessss!!! I don't know if that was just a fluke or what - there's always a million factors affecting sleep (stuffy nose, feeding habits that day, naps that day, activities that day, how the evening was spent, teething, what the night before was like, etc etc), but for the first time since he was very young he actually slept a good six - seven hours at a stretch. If this keeps up I may even be able to transition him to the crib so I don't have to worry anymore about him falling off the bed (never has happened, but still is a potential hazard, the worry about which I'm sure interrupts my sleep as well).

For now I've got Cajun red beans & rice in the crock pot, yogurt yogurting in the yogurt maker, and life is good. Happy Sunday, everyone!


  1. Congratulations! Do you feel like a million bucks or what? How much of that time were you able to sleep?

    1. I slept during all of the down time, apart from the ten minutes I was staring at the clock totally shocked that it was 5 AM and he was still asleep :)

  2. Yay Bumpus! And way to go, Mama, actually sleeping during that time - goes to show how sleep deprived you really are. I hope this is the start of a wonderful trend.

  3. Whoo hoo! Sleep is heavenly.
