Thursday, June 28, 2012

Thanks, apologies and travel dilemmas

Hey all, first off I wanted to give a belated thank you to all you ladies who have been commenting on my blog. I appreciate each and every comment, even (or especially) the ones I accidentally delete (this happened again yesterday - sorry SurlyMama, my fingers can be clumsy on my phone sometimes). And that's another thing - I've been a bad commenter lately, and there's a good reason - I do 99% of my blog writing and reading on my phone, and since blogger changed formats I find it really hard to read blogs and make comments - the font is too small and I can't seem to get past the "make sure you're not a robot" thing so I get frustrated and quit. But I do care what's going on in your lives and hopefully will find a solution for this soon!

Tomorrow is my last day in LA before flying to Boston. I have exchanged emails with, but not solidified anything with, a potential babysitter for when I sing Saturday and Sunday nights. Now I feel like an idiot for not being more proactive about this - I mean, what if we never connect and I'm stuck with no one to watch him while I sing for three hours? What am I going to do? I can't take him on stage and breastfeed while singing. This is the kind of crap I need to be better at.

I've decided not to take the stroller. Although it's a good way to cart around the car seat in the airport, I won't actually use it for the baby, so what's the point? Just one more big bulky thing to cart around and he hates it, so carrier it is.

I read some interesting blogs and comments today by women thinking about a second baby and some feeling like the reason they want to have another is to recreate their first baby and do everything right - or at least, with less anxiety - this time. I can understand that. I often think of myself with a newborn a second time and how great it would be to know exactly what to expect. But then this image is shattered when I think of having a jealous two-year-old who's used to having me all to himself, and how incredibly hard it would be to balance those two unique needs. A newborn who needs constant holding and feeding and nurturing day and night, and then a toddler who needs cooked food, big poopy diapers changed, stimulation and attention and love. It's a lot. Hats off to you ladies who manage two close in age by yourself. I'm not saying I couldn't do it; I'm just saying it looks really, really hard.


  1. Good luck with the travel, hope it goes well.

    I hear you about the blog commenting as I do a lot of my reading on my phone. I've taken off the I'm a robot verification on my own blog just because it's so frustrating on other blogs...I figure, if I get a comment I don't like, I'll just delete it.

  2. Hope the trip goes well!

  3. He always makes the cutest faces! Totally adorable. :)

  4. I have the same problem with commenting. I always seem to get stuck at proving I'm not a robot. I do almost all my blog reading on the phone. I try to remember the posts I want to comment on and come back to them once I'm on the lap top, but sometimes I just can't keep up.

    Good luck with the trip, I hope it goes well. Are you using someone you know in Boston as a sitter or are you using a service? I was looking into going to Boston in the fall for a business trip and was looking into sitting services so she'd have somewhere to go while I was in meetings. I can't remember the sites that I found that provided that but they were very expensive. I decided if I do go I won't take her (which means I probably won't go). It something you might want to look into as I know at least one of the ones I found provided caregivers on short notice.

  5. I've had the same problem with commenting from my phone, too. Like Tiara, I took the "prove you're not a robot" thing off my blog - so far no crazy commenters. *knock on wood*

    I have found it hard to get into the habit of thinking about things like sitters, or a hat for a sunny day, or toys when going out....I'm getting better at it, but it just didn't come naturally for me, either.
