Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Father/Mother's Day

A friend posted on my Facebook wall today wishing me a happy father's day, as I am doing both roles. I posted happy father's day to Bumpus, who hopefully one day will be a great dad. I wondered if anyone seeing this will say to themselves, "and who is he going to learn to be a dad from?" But if anyone did think this, they kept it to themselves, which I appreciate.

I think about the donor sometimes. I think about this totally amazing thing he made possible just because he was broke one day - he made a whole person, lots of people, possible. I hope one day I get to thank him - I hope, if Bumpus wants, that they can connect. Who is this guy? Who will he be in eighteen years? If I met his mother, would we compare notes about Bumpus, "oh, my son used to do that, too." I'm sad that I don't have a mother in law to share the joy of this baby with. I'm also sad my biological father is looney tunes. Eh, I'm over it. Apart from having substantially more money and less of a sweet tooth, there's nothing I'd change about my life, honestly.

Speaking of money, I had a maddening experience with Healthy Families on the phone the other day - as I had dreaded, they rejected my profit & loss statement because they need a more recent one. I can't give them a March/April/May statement, because it will push me above the income limit (since I make all my money for the entire year during this period). Tried to explain this to the person on the phone, who kept robotically repeating that they need my most recent profit and loss statement. I can't give it to you because it isn't a true reflection of my actual income. We need your most recent profit and loss statement. And so it went until I yelled I would just make one up then, and hung up. And so I did make one up and send it off. And now I wait another month - and another $330 premium payment - before I find out if they accept it. I think I may have to come to terms with the fact that even though I legitimately qualify for this program, I may not be able to get it because they cannot make sense of how I make my money. No, I do not have pay stubs. No, I do not have tax returns that reflect my actual income. No, I don't have a profit and loss statement that reflects my actual income, either, since half the year I make a ton of money (almost none of which I keep), and the other half I make nothing at all. So, I may just have to let this go, as much as it pains me. In the meantime I'm going to hit up my old insurance broker (a friend's sister) to see if I can get a better deal on our health insurance than Kaiser. I doubt it, but I feel like I owe it to myself to at least try. I may not have to spend $630 a month. And hey, if I really get hard up I can wait until the half of the year I make no money and apply for MediCal directly with my no-income profit and loss statement and see if they accept that. You never know.

After three nights of just about sleep through the night, last night was not so much - he slept from probably 1 AM - 6 AM, then nursed a lot until we got up at 11. It's all good - Lord knows I'm up anyway!


  1. I'm sorry that the Healthy Families people can't understand the finances. They should have a better understanding of self-employed people. :-(

  2. How frustrating about the health care. They have such black/white criteria & don't seem to make allowances for the gray most people live in.
