Friday, June 1, 2012

2 month check up

So I made the leap today. The decision to have my son vaccinated. I knew I would do some version of vaccinations all along - but was unsure about delaying, skipping certain ones, etc. Everyone has a different (and very emotional) opinion on this. For anyone unsure, however, just listen to the This American Life episode called "Ruining it for the rest of us". It definitely made me think differently about these things, despite my own strange history with vaccines (or lack thereof).

I was afraid of him having a bad reaction, having a fever, being cranky, etc. However, none of those things happened. Lots of women on my chat boards said that their babies were "never the same again" and all these scary stories...they had me a bit freaked out. I think he picked up on my anxiety because he fussed like crazy all morning - then has been a delight all evening, the opposite of our usual schedule. I'm very relieved, personally. I dread the day he gets sick for real and I have to make that decision whether to take him in to a doctor or not - but that day will come and I'll just have to figure it out. It was a lot simpler when I was a kid and got sick and all you had to do was read the bible and pray. It didn't work, but at least you didn't have to be strapped into your carseat at 3 AM in your pajamas.

1 comment:

  1. It was Penn & Teller's Bullshit episode that made up my mind on vaccinations, go figure!! Glad Robert took them well. for all of Elena's needles, I give her 1 dose of Tylenol 1 hr before & it dulls that initial pain & she's never had issues at all...except that time I accidentally poked the injection site, poor girl screamed bloody murder!
