Friday, March 18, 2011

3 ww!

So I am considering today the “3ww”.  For those of you unfamiliar with “TTC” lingo (that’s Trying to Conceive), the term is normally “2ww” for women who are waiting to take a pregnancy test.  Today is (approximately) three weeks until I ovulate and I can officially “try”, so I put a little spin on it.  See how I did that?  Yeah.

First of all I want to say thanks to all the ladies who have been reading this board.  It’s not that I underestimated you or undervalued our relationships, I just know that living in LA it seems like every minute you’re getting a “check out my new blog/standup show/CD/one woman show” e-mail and my response is always “mmmyeah” so I’m shocked and honored that you a) took the time to read this, b) sent me an e-mail saying you liked it, and c) even are following me.  So, THANKS!  I’m amazed anyone cares I’m doing this – as Chris Rock says, “even cockroaches have kids”.  So I find your interest and enthusiasm for me very touching and encouraging.

So I have a veritable laundry list of topics I can’t wait to write about.  My parents’ divorce, how dogs help us be parents, quiet wombs, all kinds of fun stuff.  I haven’t had this level of excitement for writing in years – and I mean years.  Debating on whether or not I should show this to my writing group as evidence of my writing, since it’s going to be a while before I write fiction again.  It’s pretty personal, and I don’t want the one guy in the group to think I hate his guts because he’s a guy.  Maybe if I explain I’m prone to hyperbole he’ll be ok with it.

I can’t write much else today because I’m going to be out all day.  I am going to visit a recently widowed lady who is part of our dance community.  Her husband died while I was in India and he was 99 – that’s right, 99 years old.  He was one of those sexy guys that was always hitting on and flirting with women.  I believe I still have pinch marks on my rump.  I often wondered if he was faithful to her during their long marriage; but I suppose now is not an appropriate time to think about things like that.  In the end she loved him dearly and is lost without him.  This is an odd thought I’ve had quite a bit, since I know a lot of very elderly people because of dancing: even the happiest, long term marriages end in loss and sadness.  By default they must.  I just witnessed this in my own family.  And of course it’s worth it; I’m not saying don’t get into relationships because (best case scenario) they will end with one person dying.  But it is something I ponder.

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